I keep asking myself how my little Liam is FIVE ... the day he was born feels like yesterday and a lifetime ago all at the same time. His birthday landed on a Sunday this year so with church, we needed to think outside the box. We kept our birthday tradition of having him wake up to the "Happy Birthday" song and balloons. He smiled the whole time! We also had special breakfast that morning, his favorite donuts with a sparkler candle. Love his cute silly faces!!
Being that it was a Sunday we extended the celebrating to the day before and he got to choose a friend to take to Wahooz to play for an afternoon. Bless Nic for taking the two of them, it would have sent my headache through the roof with all of the loud sounds and lights. He chose his best friend, Everett, and those boys were in heaven all afternoon playing laser tag, bumper cars, and arcade games! Nic took the cutest videos of them together and had the hardest time trying to get them to leave.
We kept it to a family party on Sunday afternoon. Liam's only request was that it be ninja themed with a piñata. Ironic enough, that was the one thing I didn't get any pictures of. In the moment, I was trying to balance a camera while making sure no little kids were harmed by the medal high chair stick we were using to hit it with and I forgot to adjust my settings. All of the pictures were incredibly over exposed ... oops. I assure you, it was everyone's favorite part!
Besides cake, we had an assortment of snack foods for guests, my very first charcuterie board in fact! I think it turned out pretty great and Lyla must have too because I couldn't keep her fingers out of it ... ;)
The mini oreo ninjas turned out so cute!!
Liam's cake was adorable! I had a friend recommend someone locally who bakes custom cakes in her home and she did an incredible job! I'll have to take everyone else's word on how it tasted though. They said it was great!
Cute birthday boy with his ninja cake!
The cousins decorated ninja stars together and were so creative ...
They practiced their ninja star throwing skills by knocking down stacks of cups!
It was so fun having family there, especially those adorable twin nephews of ours!
Liam hid his face under the table while everyone sang to him. haha I don't know if it was nerves or if he was feeling silly!
"It's my party and I'll hide if I want to!"
He requested the sword and ninja's face from the top of the cake. Wouldn't have expected anything less!
Present opening is always so entertaining to watch with kids. I love this serious of photos where you can see the expression on his face change from curiosity to sheer excitement! He got a fun kinetic sandbox ...
A bug detective kit and LOTS of Legos!!!
Abby is always the best helper with Lyla and keeps her entertained ... this time with tissue paper in her skirt. haha ;)
Happy Birthday to our big five year old!! We love you so much Liam and are so thankful you are a part of our family! Hope you had the most special day because we loved celebrating you!!
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