October felt like one big party of fun! The first Halloween party we were invited to was at my friend Lauren's house. The kids painted mini pumpkins (a 5 minute activity at their attention span level haha), we ate pizza, had the most festive treats, and watched Monsters University. Such a fun night getting in the Halloween spirit with our friends!
Then last week we had two parties in one weekend! The first one was at at our church ...
There was a chilli contest (my kids ate a plate full of corn bread as you can see below) and the side rooms were filled with games and activities. I was in charge of the little kid activity and we made witches' hands filled with popcorn and candy corns. It made the biggest mess but everyone loved it! They also had face painting, a spook alley, and other various games. Liam's poor costume was falling apart by the end of the fun. Where's my hot glue gun?! haha
We got to bed super late that night so the kids were pretty tuckered out the next day too ... okay, let me rephrase that, this KID was super tuckered out. Lyla rocked 2 days in a row with no nap and still didn't fall asleep in the car on the way to our next party like her brother did. sigh
Our favorite Halloween party of the year ... Grams and Pa's!!
He sent us a couple of sneak peak pictures of his costume and we all guessed wrong ... Beetlejuice and the bride, Lydia!
Lyla was terrified of them at first and didn't' recognize them but warmed up eventually. haha
All the grandkids together ...
Jared and Nicole's kids were super heroes ... Abby as Wonder Woman, Maddox as Spider Man, and Ava as Captain Marvel!
Josh and Nicole dressed up Olivia as a kitty!
We were Peter Pan, the fierce crocodile, Tinkerbell, and Tiger Lily!
We had sloppy jo sliders, cheese and crackers, and salad for dinner, then moved out to the garage for party games!
My sister-in-laws on baby duty while the kids played games!
My dad planned 4 games and I planned 4. The kids had a blast tossing candy corns into cauldrons and throwing ping pong eyeballs into buckets ...
They raced to see who could get the most spiders to attach to their web first. Olivia and Lyla were cracking me up because they both walked up one spider at a time and placed it on the web. haha Everyone else threw handfuls!
They tossed water balloon bean bags through a ghost's mouth ...
I laughed until I cried watching the elephant hang, especially when it was my dad and Edie's turn! Hilarious watching them race each other!
Lyla helping Uncle Jared knock down his cups ...
Peter Pan absolutely crushed me ... elephant hang was not my talent! haha
The adults played this golf one and got some amazing prizes! I came home with the cutest pumpkin and Nic got his favorite junior mints! The kids prizes were also the best ... they got to pop balloons with candy and toys inside hanging down from the ceiling!
Bobbing for apples and holding the hair back ...
Lyla watched Liam get one and picked one up from the bucket, stuck it in her mouth, and started cheering for herself. It was adorable!!
Jared getting dunked and the first apple bobbing winner ...
The annual piñata where every kid went home with enough candy to supply the candy bowl for Halloween night. ;)
They were both waaaay more into their treats and new toys than taking a picture with me!
Thank you to Grams and Pa for the party of the season! Can't wait for next year!
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