August 31, 2015

yard update

The last time I shared about our yard progress was last summer in this post. Looking back, I can't believe how far we've come. I can't tell you how nice it is to just be able to enjoy our yard more rather than having to step outside into a big dirt patch. At the end of last summer we had just finished seeding our front and back yard. We did them on separate days and had a massive rain storm hit the day after we did our front yard so it is a little patchier in some areas than in the back but we are so happy to have a yard full of grass! Even since last summer, our yard has come a really long way.

The yard budget at the beginning of the summer was put towards a fully fenced backyard. It is nice to finally have a defined space with privacy that is ours. We fenced both sides with the help of our neighbors last summer but waited on the back because our neighbors behind us weren't willing to contribute and let me just tell you, vinyl fencing is not cheap. We figured if we gave it another year, by this summer they would be willing. Considering the fact that their yard has remained a dirt patch covered in 5 foot weeds (that completely wrecked havoc on the back of our yard last winter mind you), they were still not willing to help this summer. I honestly have some unresolved feelings about the situation but at least I don't have to look at their cornucopia of endless weeds anymore.

A little over a week ago we went to a couple of nurseries to price out/pick out plants and trees. Liam was such a trooper and found a black kitty to chase along the way! ;)

For trees, we chose 4 chanticleer pear trees. We wanted something that didn't get more then 15 - 20 feet which cut down our options significantly. I really love maple trees but they just get too big for the part of our yard we wanted to plant them at. We also wanted a tree that wouldn't make a total mess of our yard. At first when we were directed toward this tree with "pear" in the name we were a bit skeptical but learned they only have small green berries that don't fall off the tree. I guess birds love them and eat most of them off. The trees will also get pretty white flowers in the spring time. So we picked out our trees, a few shrubs, and ordered a trailer full of bark to be delivered this last weekend.

By the end of last summer, we had landscape fabric laid out across this back flower bed with bark on top of it but like I mentioned before, a combination of wind and the neighbors over grown weeds it was a gonner by spring time. We were left with very little bark replaced by massive weeds that had taken root in the space. So in a sense, it felt like starting over.

Another project we had planned on completing this summer was extending our cement patio. The builders give you such a dinky one that doesn't fit much on it. We promptly started tearing up grass for the space without realizing that now with a finished fence, they would need to crane the cement over the top of our house (read, expensive). We haven't fully decided what our decision will be but are looking at other options in the mean time.

After a long hard days work on Saturday, we got to enjoy our new trees and this beautiful Idaho sunset!! It was incredibly rewarding!

In our front flower bed we decided to go with sunjoy gold pillar barberries. Low maintenance and the perfect amount of green in the summer time and a beautiful bright red in the fall.  Speaking of fall, we plan to plant some flower bulbs that will come up in the spring and summer next year between each barberry. I can hardly wait to have pink and white tulips in our yard! :)

I couldn't be happier with the progress we made on Saturday and with how good it is looking! We owe a big thank you to my wonderfully green-thumbed mother-in-law for giving such great advice on how to plant things as well as playing with Liam so we could get all that we did accomplished. Hopefully by my next yard progress update we will have beautiful flowers coming in and that white porch swing I so desperately want to add. :) 

August 26, 2015

Liam's First Haircut & a video!

10 months old and Liam was already needing a haircut. Those cute little wispy locks of his were quickly turning into a mullet so he got his first haircut today! A cute video and lots of pictures to follow below ...

I was so thankful that our sweet neighbor friend, Heather, who is a hair stylist turned stay-at-home mom was willing to cut it for us. Thinking about taking a baby to a salon full of people I don't know freaked me out. She cut it right in her kitchen and it was perfect. 

We tried to come prepared with all the tricks up our sleeves. A container of his favorite banana flavored puffs, daddy's work badge (a "toy" he LOVES but rarely gets to play with), and the last cherry flavored tongue depressor from the doctor who told me to save it for an emergency. The puffs lasted 3 seconds, the badge maybe 5, so out came the emergency which lasted maybe 15! haha Liam actually did SO great though! Better than we could have ever expected of him! He was such a happy camper at the beginning giving everyone smiles. He became so interested in everything Heather was using on his hair so she even gave him an extra comb she had to play with. Naturally it went right in his mouth! He has to test everything out these days.  

Nic is seriously the best dad in the whole world. Liam is in this stage where he wants to poke and prod at everything on your face so daddy so sweetly let him go to town on his nose and mouth. haha Whatever kept him entertained and somewhat still!

This picture below cracks me up! By the end he was definitely ready to be done. Lots of eye rubbing told us it was time for bed.

So we compromised and did the last few trims while he rested his head on daddy's shoulder and watched intently as Heather's daughter was giggling from being tickled. :)

Gosh, doesn't he look SO handsome! That is one good lookin' do dude! Thanks again Heather!

no place I'd rather be


I would have been sharpening a gigantic handful of brand new pencils, watching bits of shaved pencil dust fly onto the freshly clean carpet.

I would have written the first date for the year on the white board next to 'Mrs. Williamson'.

I would have smiled at 25+ smiling yet nervous little faces and welcomed them with open arms back to another year of school.

I would have been wearing a pencil skirt that spent the summer months on a hanger in my closet to be replaced with capris and flip flops.

I would have put an emphasis on getting to know them all day long and trying to make them laugh at my silly jokes.

I would have started my FAVORITE teacher read aloud, Goblins in the Castle by Bruce Coville, and smiled contently as I watched their eyes grow with excitement at the turn of every page and hear the many sad sighs when read aloud was over for the day closing the book at the best cliff hanger yet.

 I would have sat with them at lunch and asked them about their families, what they love, what they did over the summer, and most importantly, what they are looking forward to during the school year.

I would have taken their pictures so that they had something to remember this special day by for the rest of their lives.

At the end of the day, I would have reluctantly said goodbye to 25+ of my new best little friends until tomorrow while also simultaneously breathing a sigh of relief from a whirl wind of a day that first days of school always are.

I would have gotten to share all the ups and downs of the day with my favorite teacher friend across the hall.

Then I would have taken one last final glance around the room, making sure to take one last look at every child's name tag in hopes that I had every single one of them completely memorized before turning off the light, closing the door, and driving home to get some rest before I started it all over again the very next day.


I got to wake up to the stirring sounds of a well rested baby across the hall, his drawn out cooing sounds communicating to me that 'yes mommy, I'm definitely hungry'.

I got to bring him into our warm cozy bed and snuggle him while he happily nursed beside me.

We got to watch daddy whirl around the room getting ready for work and putting on my favorite dress shirt and tie.

I got to carry Liam out into the kitchen and make both my boys their favorite breakfast, Nic scrambled eggs and peanut butter toast and Liam a half of a banana, some baby oatmeal, and a handful or two of puffs!

I got to snuggle Liam on the couch while we spent a lazy morning watching a few minutes of Micky Mouse Clubhouse in our jammies and playing with his favorite toys.

I got to rock him until his eyes drifted to sleep at nap time.

I got to be there when he woke up from his nap, his smiling face showing me how happy he was to see me as I opened the door.

We got to go grocery shopping for ingredients to try out new recipes, an experience where Liam tried his very best to swipe everything off the shelves that were in his reach when mommy wasn't looking.

We got to repeat those precious nap moments for the second time that we experienced earlier in the day.

We got to have a mommy and baby play date together with new friends at the park.

We got to dance in the kitchen and sing along to our favorite country songs as we got dinner ready and welcomed our favorite guy home from work at the end of the day. 

Teaching was my passion. I'm still passionate about it and I loved the little lives I got to be apart of and the teacher friends I made. But today, more than ever, there was no place I would have rather been then at home with my little guy. Ever since I've had Liam, my heart is wherever he is and while teaching was my favorite job outside the home, I'm so grateful I don't have to leave my heart behind anymore. I hope he always remembers these special days with me filled with snuggles, slow mornings, endless smiles, and dancing in the kitchen. Because I know that I always will. Today I got to live my dream job and I get to do it again tomorrow! I've never felt more lucky.  

August 20, 2015

ten months

t e n   m o n t h s   o l d


 22 pounds, 3 ounces 
 28 inches long


peek-a-boo & hide n' seek
tucking his lower lip under
FOOD, especially meat & frozen blueberries
daddy's laugh
taking steps up stairs
his new car seat
watching the washer & dryer
putting everything in his mouth


being still
getting face and hands wiped

My little Liam,
You are ten months old today which means you are 2 months away from being a one year old. A ONE YEAR OLD! I know I always say this but I think this is my favorite age. You and I are best friends and it is so fun that you interact with me now all day. Whenever I lay on the floor you crawl all over me like I am a human jungle gym. You learned how to lift your foot up and step up stairs which has given you a great desire to climb everything. You can't do that on your own yet but boy do you want to. It has made things very dangerous. You went on your very first plane ride this month and were a total champ, sleeping almost the whole entire way. It was also your first trip to Washington and you loved all the attention from family and friends who walked you around to your hearts content while we were there. I say that I am your best friend but I actually think that is food. haha Your world revolves around food. Your favorite breakfast ... puffs, half a banana, and baby food oatmeal. At lunch and dinner time, I could fill your tray full of all sorts of foods and you always always gravitate toward meat. It doesn't matter if it is ham, chicken, turkey, you love it! Animals are your next favorite thing ever. You giggle at dogs. You'd yank on their ears and tail any chance you can get. You still love Rue too. Last month you grew out of your car seat so we got you a bigger one that is still rear facing and you look so much more comfortable. No more crying when we put you in it like you were in your old one. You would stand in front of the washer and dryer watching all the lights and clothes spin all day if I let you. I think it is the equivalent of watching paint dry though so we watch it for a few minutes and then we play toys instead. You learned how to clap! The first time you did it was when you were delivered a tray of food naturally. A special moment with you from this month was when you took the sacrament for the first time. You could giggle at daddy's laugh all day long! Your signature facial expression requires you tucking your lower lip under the top one, it is the cutest. At your doctor's visit this month he gave you a cherry flavored tongue depressor and you LOVED that thing. You are such a happy boy and we love being around you! Love you to the moon and back!
Love, Momma

August 19, 2015

Blueberries for Pool Time & New Baby Teeth

It takes longer for me to blow up this little duck pool, fill it with water, grab the pool toys, and haul it all outside then the time Liam actually wants to STAY in the pool. haha But, I care more about Liam having fun and getting to experience all the best parts of summer so I do it anyway. Oh the life of being a mom! ;)

However, when you add a floating bowl of frozen blueberries to the pool, it suddenly takes things to whole new level. Lounging in the pool becomes 10 times more exciting and adds on about 2 minutes to pool time entertainment. Liam is in the throws of teething. His two top teeth have broken through but the gums are still sore and a little swollen so he has been loving frozen blueberries. Eating them by the handful preferred ...  

And licking every finger too!

Those little lips kill me, one of my favorite faces he makes! After the bowl was empty he looked at me like, "Hey lady, fill'er up! These rolls don't make themselves!" 

After he realized the bowl wasn't going to be refilled, he immediately dived for the cement sidewalk. :/ In the interest of saving those new little baby teeth, we took play time to a safer spot. He LOVES the grass. Eating it in particular. haha

I can't believe school starts back up here next week and while that doesn't change anything for Liam and I which I am so grateful for, it still makes these summer days feel fleeting. We better squeeze in a few more afternoons in the pool (a bowl full of blueberries included) before winter shows its freezing face again.

August 18, 2015

Liam's Library Faves {Boy Edition}

I'm back with a few favorites from our trips to the library over the last month and a half or so! A funny side note ... being the girl that I am, I am typically drawn to cute animal, fairy, princessy, just generally all around girly books and while Liam doesn't even really understand anything I am reading to him right now, I wanted to find some boy favorites. Monsters, trains, dinosaurs, sharks, silly humor, and the like totally scream BOY to me! These are some favorites for the boy or tomgirl in your life. ;)  

Where the Wild Things Are by: Maurice Sendak | A classic! My favorite and very popular quote from this book that I say to Liam all the time, "I'll eat you up, I love you so!"

Shark vs. Train by: Chris Barton | This book starts out with two little boys running to their toy box to pull out their favorite toy to battle it out with. One boy chooses a train and the other chooses a shark. The book then switches to the actual perspective of the shark and the train thinking they can out-do one another. A total boy edition!  

My Monster Mama Loves Me So by: Laura Leuck | A monster bedtime story where the little monster recognizes all the ways his momma shows him she loves him. I loved this one!

Interrupting Chicken by: David Ezra Stein | This one is a clever way of sharing a lot of favorite fairy tale stories through a dad chicken reading to his son. Little chicken interrupts during the problem in every story with an ending where he always saves the day! It drives the dad totally crazy until he finally suggests little chicken be the one to read the story to him instead. He does what dads do best during story time ... zzzzz ;) 

Jeepers Creepers: A Monstrous ABC by: Laura Leuck | Learning the ABC's with monster rhymes, what's not to love!

Never Take a Shark to the Dentist & Other Things Not to Do by: Judi Barrett | This one has hilarious pictures and is full of silly ideas!

Hope you found some new favorites to share with the little boy in your life! Happy Reading!  

August 14, 2015


After getting back from Washington, we stayed a few extra days in Boise because my dad and Edie were in town. We don't get to see them very often so it was fun to get everyone together. I think one of the most fun things was getting all of the cousins together. Look at how cute they are!  

Liam and Maddox are only 6 months apart and I think they are going to be great friends. :) At their current stages, Liam reaches out and grabs onto Maddox any chance he can get while Maddox wonders what in the world he is doing. haha Someday that relationship will change and they will have a blast playing together.

My newest sweet little niece was born in July, Olivia Lee. She is so beautiful! That hand under the chin gets me every time! She was just shy of 3 weeks old here when we got to meet her for the first time. Man, you forget how tiny they are, especially when you spend your days packing around a 22 pound chunk. haha 

While we only live 3 hours away, we still don't make it to Boise that often but I hope someday we can live closer so that Liam can be close to his cousins. Growing up, I lived so far away from mine and was lucky to see them maybe once a year so we weren't every really really close but I definitely would love that for Liam. We miss you already Abby, Ava, Maddox, and Olivia! You too dad and Edie!! XO

August 13, 2015

Washington Trip Part 3 {Seattle}

In case you missed it ... PART 1, PART 2.

Our final day in Washington was spent roaming my favorite parts of downtown Seattle with my mom and Aunt Deanne. It was Nic's first time seeing the city and I think he thought the city's skyline was just as amazing as I do. It is such a fun city!

The last time I went to Seattle The Wheel hadn't been built yet. I've just seen pictures of it since and it was just as amazing in person. We heard from several people though how crazy expensive it was for only a few times around and that it wasn't really worth it so we decided to skip it and just enjoy the view from the piers instead. 

One of my all time favorite places to go whenever I'm in Seattle is Pike Place Market. For it being a Monday morning, that place was a lot busier than I remembered it being but that is probably just the small town girl in my talking. 

The one spot I hadn't experienced yet at the market was gum alley. I'm pretty sure everyone thought I was crazy for wanting to visit it. So cool yet so gross all at the same time. haha You better believe I added to the wall but I definitely didn't go so far as to create a big N & M & L were here in bubblicious gum in case you were wondering. ;)

My FAVORITE part of the market is the flower district. The smell is heaven and the bouquets are unreal. SO pretty!!!

Pike Place proved to be kind of challenging with a stroller so we ended up deciding just to do the main level and then bail. There was also tons of construction going on by the wharf and we had an old stroller where the wheels had seen better days. We were so grateful to be able to borrow one so we didn't have to haul one with us but we promptly wanted to ditch it five minutes in because it just wasn't conducive for big crowds. We had lunch at Ivar's and if you have never had their clam chowder, I mean, I'm STILL drooling just thinking about it. I could PROBABLY have a cup of that stuff every day and live a happy life. haha Funny story, as we were wandering Costco last night, we saw that they sell tubs of Ivar's Clam Chowder and I think we both looked at each other with wide eyes followed by a "no way!" but after checking the nutrition label, sadly left without it in our cart. So maybe I won't be eating it every day. haha It will just have to be one of those things that is an occasional splurge. ANYWAY, I wish I would have taken a few pictures at the Ivar's restaurant because it was a really beautiful and historic place. I must have been more focused on that darn bowl of clam chowder then anything else. haha :)

After lunch, it was time for L man's nap. Luckily he sleeps in a baby carrier well because we both knew there would be a fat chance of him sleeping in the stroller. I'm just not on the go with him enough at home or living in a big city that maybe would require him to nap in a stroller more often. During his nap we decided to visit the Seattle Aquarium. Liam woke up RIGHT at the very end of that experience and I felt kind of bad he missed out after showing him the last fish tank and seeing his face light up. 

Besides getting to spend time with family at our family reunion, this was probably our favorite day getting to experience downtown. I already miss that city and am excited to go back and do some of the same things again when Liam is walking and little bit older, especially the aquarium, the children's museum, and the zoo! Having kids is the best and Liam really did even better traveling then we expected so we plan to do more of it in the near future!
Until next time Washington!!