August 13, 2015

Washington Trip Part 3 {Seattle}

In case you missed it ... PART 1, PART 2.

Our final day in Washington was spent roaming my favorite parts of downtown Seattle with my mom and Aunt Deanne. It was Nic's first time seeing the city and I think he thought the city's skyline was just as amazing as I do. It is such a fun city!

The last time I went to Seattle The Wheel hadn't been built yet. I've just seen pictures of it since and it was just as amazing in person. We heard from several people though how crazy expensive it was for only a few times around and that it wasn't really worth it so we decided to skip it and just enjoy the view from the piers instead. 

One of my all time favorite places to go whenever I'm in Seattle is Pike Place Market. For it being a Monday morning, that place was a lot busier than I remembered it being but that is probably just the small town girl in my talking. 

The one spot I hadn't experienced yet at the market was gum alley. I'm pretty sure everyone thought I was crazy for wanting to visit it. So cool yet so gross all at the same time. haha You better believe I added to the wall but I definitely didn't go so far as to create a big N & M & L were here in bubblicious gum in case you were wondering. ;)

My FAVORITE part of the market is the flower district. The smell is heaven and the bouquets are unreal. SO pretty!!!

Pike Place proved to be kind of challenging with a stroller so we ended up deciding just to do the main level and then bail. There was also tons of construction going on by the wharf and we had an old stroller where the wheels had seen better days. We were so grateful to be able to borrow one so we didn't have to haul one with us but we promptly wanted to ditch it five minutes in because it just wasn't conducive for big crowds. We had lunch at Ivar's and if you have never had their clam chowder, I mean, I'm STILL drooling just thinking about it. I could PROBABLY have a cup of that stuff every day and live a happy life. haha Funny story, as we were wandering Costco last night, we saw that they sell tubs of Ivar's Clam Chowder and I think we both looked at each other with wide eyes followed by a "no way!" but after checking the nutrition label, sadly left without it in our cart. So maybe I won't be eating it every day. haha It will just have to be one of those things that is an occasional splurge. ANYWAY, I wish I would have taken a few pictures at the Ivar's restaurant because it was a really beautiful and historic place. I must have been more focused on that darn bowl of clam chowder then anything else. haha :)

After lunch, it was time for L man's nap. Luckily he sleeps in a baby carrier well because we both knew there would be a fat chance of him sleeping in the stroller. I'm just not on the go with him enough at home or living in a big city that maybe would require him to nap in a stroller more often. During his nap we decided to visit the Seattle Aquarium. Liam woke up RIGHT at the very end of that experience and I felt kind of bad he missed out after showing him the last fish tank and seeing his face light up. 

Besides getting to spend time with family at our family reunion, this was probably our favorite day getting to experience downtown. I already miss that city and am excited to go back and do some of the same things again when Liam is walking and little bit older, especially the aquarium, the children's museum, and the zoo! Having kids is the best and Liam really did even better traveling then we expected so we plan to do more of it in the near future!
Until next time Washington!!

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