August 26, 2015

Liam's First Haircut & a video!

10 months old and Liam was already needing a haircut. Those cute little wispy locks of his were quickly turning into a mullet so he got his first haircut today! A cute video and lots of pictures to follow below ...

I was so thankful that our sweet neighbor friend, Heather, who is a hair stylist turned stay-at-home mom was willing to cut it for us. Thinking about taking a baby to a salon full of people I don't know freaked me out. She cut it right in her kitchen and it was perfect. 

We tried to come prepared with all the tricks up our sleeves. A container of his favorite banana flavored puffs, daddy's work badge (a "toy" he LOVES but rarely gets to play with), and the last cherry flavored tongue depressor from the doctor who told me to save it for an emergency. The puffs lasted 3 seconds, the badge maybe 5, so out came the emergency which lasted maybe 15! haha Liam actually did SO great though! Better than we could have ever expected of him! He was such a happy camper at the beginning giving everyone smiles. He became so interested in everything Heather was using on his hair so she even gave him an extra comb she had to play with. Naturally it went right in his mouth! He has to test everything out these days.  

Nic is seriously the best dad in the whole world. Liam is in this stage where he wants to poke and prod at everything on your face so daddy so sweetly let him go to town on his nose and mouth. haha Whatever kept him entertained and somewhat still!

This picture below cracks me up! By the end he was definitely ready to be done. Lots of eye rubbing told us it was time for bed.

So we compromised and did the last few trims while he rested his head on daddy's shoulder and watched intently as Heather's daughter was giggling from being tickled. :)

Gosh, doesn't he look SO handsome! That is one good lookin' do dude! Thanks again Heather!

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