August 20, 2015

ten months

t e n   m o n t h s   o l d


 22 pounds, 3 ounces 
 28 inches long


peek-a-boo & hide n' seek
tucking his lower lip under
FOOD, especially meat & frozen blueberries
daddy's laugh
taking steps up stairs
his new car seat
watching the washer & dryer
putting everything in his mouth


being still
getting face and hands wiped

My little Liam,
You are ten months old today which means you are 2 months away from being a one year old. A ONE YEAR OLD! I know I always say this but I think this is my favorite age. You and I are best friends and it is so fun that you interact with me now all day. Whenever I lay on the floor you crawl all over me like I am a human jungle gym. You learned how to lift your foot up and step up stairs which has given you a great desire to climb everything. You can't do that on your own yet but boy do you want to. It has made things very dangerous. You went on your very first plane ride this month and were a total champ, sleeping almost the whole entire way. It was also your first trip to Washington and you loved all the attention from family and friends who walked you around to your hearts content while we were there. I say that I am your best friend but I actually think that is food. haha Your world revolves around food. Your favorite breakfast ... puffs, half a banana, and baby food oatmeal. At lunch and dinner time, I could fill your tray full of all sorts of foods and you always always gravitate toward meat. It doesn't matter if it is ham, chicken, turkey, you love it! Animals are your next favorite thing ever. You giggle at dogs. You'd yank on their ears and tail any chance you can get. You still love Rue too. Last month you grew out of your car seat so we got you a bigger one that is still rear facing and you look so much more comfortable. No more crying when we put you in it like you were in your old one. You would stand in front of the washer and dryer watching all the lights and clothes spin all day if I let you. I think it is the equivalent of watching paint dry though so we watch it for a few minutes and then we play toys instead. You learned how to clap! The first time you did it was when you were delivered a tray of food naturally. A special moment with you from this month was when you took the sacrament for the first time. You could giggle at daddy's laugh all day long! Your signature facial expression requires you tucking your lower lip under the top one, it is the cutest. At your doctor's visit this month he gave you a cherry flavored tongue depressor and you LOVED that thing. You are such a happy boy and we love being around you! Love you to the moon and back!
Love, Momma

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