February 24, 2011


The other night, Nic and I were over at Mindy and Beau's for his birthday
and OH MAN did I wish I had my camera!
Beau: "Have you guys ever had a Tim Tam Slam?"
Nic and Meagan: "A whaaaaaaa?"

It goes a little something like this:
Step 1: purchase a box of tim tam cookies and some hot chocolate
Step 2: bite off both ends of your tim tam cookie
Step 3: Stick one end of the tim tam into the hot chocolate and start sucking!! and AS SOON as you start to feel it melt.... SHOVE IT IN!

Absolutely disintegrates.... MMM delectable!

Little did we know this has been "How To'd" and written about on Wikipedia.
We must have been raised in a sheltered closet!!!!!!

February 19, 2011

Leavin on a jet plane

Got my passport in the mail last week!!!!!

Nic and I are incredibly spoiled. Nic's mom was sooooo generous to us and is paying for our honeymoon. Without her we would never be able to go some place like this at this time in our lives. Thank you so much Susan, we love you!

T-minus 92 days until we leave for what looks like the most ROMANTIC place on earth!!

St. Lucia

Staying in the Prime Minister One Bedroom Beachfront Luxury Suite

we even get a butler!!

Is it May 22nd yet?! I can't WAIT!!!!

February 16, 2011

Check YES or NO

Nic and I celebrated our 2nd Valentines Day together this year :)

Monday morning I put this on his car and he found it before he went to work..

Then, I surprised him with a bunch of red heart balloons attached to his car with a bag of kisses and a love letter inside! I learned something about myself while doing this: it's a good thing I wasn't the one who had to propose because I would be shaking like a leaf! I must have been so nervous for him to come out and catch me because I was shaking so bad I could barely get the balloons tied.
He found them after an old lady came into his clinic and shouted "who's got the blue car with all the balloons!" haha

After my morning class I had to go to work at the dental hygiene clinic. Every half hour or so a new car would pull up with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and I would get my hopes up that they were for me but then I would find someone else's name on the tag.

After work I had a night class that went until 7 and by the end I was burnt out for the day.

After finally getting home from the long day I get to my apartment, open my bedroom door, and find this........

He said YES

My room covered in decorations!!! :) It was perfect!

To top the night off we went to Red Lobster for dinner (the hour and five minute wait was totally worth it haha), had pumpkin cookies (our favorite!!!) for dessert, and watched One Tree Hill before saying goodnight.

I love you Nic and I'm so blessed that you are mine.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

V-Day Dance

Last year Nic and I spent our first Valentines Day together. A few days before, we went to a Valentine dance! I got a new dress for it and Nic, being the cute boy he is, got a vest and tie to match me :) We danced the night away and had so much fun!


So this year we hear they are having it again but spaced it up until the very last minute.. so I didn't end up wearing a new dress, just one I happened to have in the closet, and it wasn't quite as fancy as last year. I was still excited to go until I showed up. This is how they decorated the place:
1. blue and white streamers
2. a few strands of lights that hung WAY to low that we ran into every five seconds ha
3. fake christmas trees
Sounding very Valentines Dayish to you??
Hmmm.... then they had a jazz band that no one knew how to dance to haha
We were hoping to make the most of it and then all our friends decided to leave and go bowling instead.
So we ended up just going home and watching the good old Bachelor!
Not quite as successful as last year but MAN did I have a good lookin date!

The only picture I get with Nic and I'm laughing like a big old goofball

Well... better hopes for next year!!

Clean as a Whistle

I know this may sound weird but I have been begging Nic to try one of those nose strips that cleans out your pores (I'm totally OCD about keeping them clean).... SO as part of our date night the other night we bought some!
Not only are they HANDY DANDY but they WORK LIKE A CHARM!

Mister addicted to AMP

Those noses look pretty dang clean to me!

February 12, 2011

Teaching with Technology

I LOVE being in my major because I now get to take classes that I actually enjoy!
But, for some reason I wasn't really looking forward to teaching with technology.
I didn't really know much about the class but not only is it a yucky three hours but it's also a night class. I thought it would be WAY different then it is. I'm LOVING this class!! It has actually been one of my favorite classes I have taken in my program so far :) SO I thought I would share a little creation that I made with you....
We were taught how to use a free program called Animoto where you can create picture/video slideshows and it's FREE to teachers.. love it. For our homework assignment we got to make a personal one, and I have been wanting to make a slideshow of Nic and I to play at our reception. Perfect opportunity?? I know right!
Needless to say, it is still a work in progress because I have to add baby/childhood pictures of each of us but here is where we actually started our lives together!
Enjoy :)