February 24, 2011


The other night, Nic and I were over at Mindy and Beau's for his birthday
and OH MAN did I wish I had my camera!
Beau: "Have you guys ever had a Tim Tam Slam?"
Nic and Meagan: "A whaaaaaaa?"

It goes a little something like this:
Step 1: purchase a box of tim tam cookies and some hot chocolate
Step 2: bite off both ends of your tim tam cookie
Step 3: Stick one end of the tim tam into the hot chocolate and start sucking!! and AS SOON as you start to feel it melt.... SHOVE IT IN!

Absolutely disintegrates.... MMM delectable!

Little did we know this has been "How To'd" and written about on Wikipedia.
We must have been raised in a sheltered closet!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. My dear you have indeed been neglected if you have never had such a delight before. I must confess I nearly killed over from the experience but it would have been a delightful way to perish. I am glad you have discovered a new treat.


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