March 4, 2011


I am definitely one of those people who hates working out in a gym. I would much rather be outside running a long distance or hiking a hill than running in place on a treadmill.
Pretty much the whole winter this is what it has looked like outside...

At 5:00 when Nic and I both get off work we go running,

Can you believe us?? I know we are NUTS!
But we get all bundled up and stay warm, especially by the end of the run.

If you have never tried running in deep snow, it adds a whole new level to things. It's like running in sand a.k.a. great workout!!
HARDCORE if you ask me...


  1. I say bravo to both of you as long as you don't get sick. A red nose for your wedding would kinda throw off the pictures!

  2. funny you should say that... we decided to diet for the wedding WHILE running and we totally killed our immune systems = sick Meagan and Nic this weekend.
    What can I say Mady... I should have really posted this sooner for your advice!
    and I agree... red noses for a wedding... sounds too Christmasy for May!


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