February 12, 2011

Teaching with Technology

I LOVE being in my major because I now get to take classes that I actually enjoy!
But, for some reason I wasn't really looking forward to teaching with technology.
I didn't really know much about the class but not only is it a yucky three hours but it's also a night class. I thought it would be WAY different then it is. I'm LOVING this class!! It has actually been one of my favorite classes I have taken in my program so far :) SO I thought I would share a little creation that I made with you....
We were taught how to use a free program called Animoto where you can create picture/video slideshows and it's FREE to teachers.. love it. For our homework assignment we got to make a personal one, and I have been wanting to make a slideshow of Nic and I to play at our reception. Perfect opportunity?? I know right!
Needless to say, it is still a work in progress because I have to add baby/childhood pictures of each of us but here is where we actually started our lives together!
Enjoy :)


  1. That looks awesome!! I can't believe its homework. You are so cute meag.

  2. Aww thanks Sidnee :)
    I couldn't believe it was our homework either.
    I can't wait to add the baby and little kid pictures to it!


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