February 16, 2011

V-Day Dance

Last year Nic and I spent our first Valentines Day together. A few days before, we went to a Valentine dance! I got a new dress for it and Nic, being the cute boy he is, got a vest and tie to match me :) We danced the night away and had so much fun!


So this year we hear they are having it again but spaced it up until the very last minute.. so I didn't end up wearing a new dress, just one I happened to have in the closet, and it wasn't quite as fancy as last year. I was still excited to go until I showed up. This is how they decorated the place:
1. blue and white streamers
2. a few strands of lights that hung WAY to low that we ran into every five seconds ha
3. fake christmas trees
Sounding very Valentines Dayish to you??
Hmmm.... then they had a jazz band that no one knew how to dance to haha
We were hoping to make the most of it and then all our friends decided to leave and go bowling instead.
So we ended up just going home and watching the good old Bachelor!
Not quite as successful as last year but MAN did I have a good lookin date!

The only picture I get with Nic and I'm laughing like a big old goofball

Well... better hopes for next year!!

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