Man is this summer going quickly or what?! I can hardly believe that I only have a week left of summer vacation before I start my first year of teaching, eep! Lots of emotions over here.
We celebrated the fourth of July just the two of us, walking to the fair grounds for the fireworks and playing Uno before the sun went down. It was a perfect day.
Of course I took a million and one more pictures of Rue this month because she is adorable. She turned six months old and had to get spayed. It was NOT a fun a day for either of us. I felt so terrible that she was in pain and she wanted nothing to do with me. haha
My mom came into town for a couple days on a work trip. I got to watch her do her thang. She works for Idaho Power and they are getting ready to celebrate 100 years soon and so she is in charge of a project where she has been interviewing retirees about their funny and memorable experiences with the company to share at that event. This sweet couple I watched her interview in Pocatello were so kind and incredibly involved in our community even after retirement. It was really cool. And my mom is awesome at what she does!
We made an offer on our first home and couldn't be more excited to move in!!! We went fridge shopping for our new home and realized you are definitely a grown up when fridge shopping is exciting! HA
I spent a couple of days starting to get my classroom put together. Four large blank walls are very intimidating for a person who has a hard time with decision making! While most everything is organized and in its proper place, I still have yet to hang anything up on the walls.
Late one evening, Nic found a spider on our living room wall. Naturally, it required whipping up what he called the "spider slayer 500" {a.k.a. a knife sharpener wrapped in a paper towel}. Ha Distance is key with this one. Can you tell he has just a little bit of arachnophobia?! In fact, you've GOT to hear the rest of the story! After making this large stabbing utensil, he lunged at it with the quickest stab you ever did see and the spider dropped straight to the ground... alive. He spent the next 20 minutes trying to scout out the perimeter {from a far distance} but could not find the spider again. In order to calm him down, I vacuumed the area where it had supposedly fallen. He still wasn't convinced it was gone but I finally got him to give up and call it a night. As we were walking out of the room, he reaches up to shut off the light and the spider was sitting on the light switch and touched his hand. Cue COMPLETE hysteria in my living room! It was truly hilarious!
I tried washi tape for the first time and I can seriously see how people get addicted to that stuff. I probably spent a good hour getting lost in various etsy shops trying to choose my favorite patterns and colors. There are just SO MANY options to choose from, it is insane! You can do so many things with it. I used it to color code labels for files in my classroom.
I made a day trip up to Idaho Falls to visit one of my best friends Alli who I met while going to school at ISU and her adorable newborn baby Henry. I just wanted to scoop him up and take him right on home with me! ;) We had a yummy lunch at a local restaurant. Then she gave me a tour of the elementary school where she just got hired. Wish we were teaching together! It was a great day!
And saving the best news for last {just kidding} but seriously!!! Kate Middleton and Prince William had baby George! Oh, you already knew that?! Well... just thought I'd keep you caught up on the royal news because I think it is fun to hear about their love story and new family. And I think she is so gorgeous.
See ya next year July!!
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