May 23, 2018

Idaho Falls Zoo & our 7th anniversary

On Monday, Nic and I celebrated 7 years of marriage! What better place to spend it at than the zoo when you have kids in tow! What is it that they say ... "happy kids, happy life"?! ;)

The Idaho Falls Zoo really is one of the best zoos I've ever been to. Most of the animals are awake and interactive and several of them even had new BABIES!! It was our second time there, we took Liam a couple years ago and loved it just as much as we did then! We chased Liam around from exhibit to exhibit while Lyla lounged in the stroller and drove every kid crazy trying to figure out what animal was making the squeaking sound coming from her Sophie the giraffe. haha

One of our favorite moments was spotting this little joey stuffed in his momma's pouch! Not only was it adorable but it was entertaining to watch the baby try to take a bite of grass as the momma hopped along. Resourceful little thing.

Liam carried a stick around the whole zoo and loved sitting on any animal statue he could find. 

Another favorite of the day was this beautiful white peacock! It was unreal how majestic it looked!! I didn't even know it existed before Monday. 

Lyla's new "thing" is sticking out her tongue from the corner of her mouth. haha She is obsessed and I'm obsessed with her!

Being such a good big brother ... my two baby chicks ...

Another favorite from last time, the flamingos! 

There were so many pictures I had to recreate from our last visit ... this hand print being one of them. Somewhere along the way he has gotten so big.

Looking at swans, ducks, and pelicans from the bridge ...

After the zoo, we were feeling crazy and went to Olive Garden for lunch. I can't remember the last time we ate at a restaurant because ... kids ... but Liam only spilled his water twice during the meal so we considered it a win. haha

At the end of the day, we watched the season finale of Grey's (it had two weddings during the episode which seemed rather fitting) while eating our favorite ice cream. The day felt perfectly spent for this phase of life we are in right now at 7 years. Our two babies and this life we've made together is my dream come true. Love you so much Nic Williamson ... to us!! Happy Anniversary! XO

May 17, 2018

Liam's last day of preschool

Today was Liam's last day of his first year of preschool! I remember about this time last year, Liam was 2 1/2 and could barely say a handful of words. Nic and I were hopeful that putting him in preschool this year despite the fact that he would be the youngest in his class would be the right decision for him. Looking back now and seeing how far he has come, without a doubt it was the best decision we have made for him so far. 

This year he learned to say and write his first name, to almost count to 20 on his own, to recognize his colors (still working on brown), to vocalize his letters, and has expanded his vocabulary with countless new words. He's learned valuable social skills that he was not having the opportunity to learn at home as the oldest (and only child for a while). He tried new foods, made new friends, and became this confident version of himself! We couldn't be more proud of him!!!

All year long my favorite part of preschool days was picking him up from school. I'd open the front door and he'd come running across the room, arms outstretched to me, and squeal "MOMMY!". Being a mom is a relatively under appreciated job from your kids but it was one of those moments for me where I felt so loved and missed by him. It made my day every single time! Today I tried to capture it on video, just in case he decides he is too big to do it anymore next year. As I walked into his teacher's house I discovered all of his class was playing in her backyard for the last day of school. I stepped on to her back patio and instead of my usual reaction from him, Liam burst into tears. haha He didn't want to go and was having too much fun! 

This morning I sat down with Liam during breakfast and asked him some questions about his first year of preschool and wanted to share his responses!

... Preschool According to Liam ...

Who are your preschool teachers?
Miss Ang and Miss Amy

Who is your best friend at school?
Tenley (his teacher's daughter)

What is your favorite snack you got to have this year?
Scooby Doo gummies (a.k.a Scooby Doo fruit snacks which he brought on his snack day haha)

What was your favorite thing to do at school?
Toys and "making sumping" (making something)

What was your favorite thing you made?
My butterfly (the handprint one he made me for Mother's Day)

What did you learn at school this year?
butterflies and lady bugs

What will you miss the most?
Mommy (he thought I meant when I leave school) then he changed his answer to Miss Ang. So sweet!

I love this handsome little boy and am looking forward to all of our summer adventures together!

May 16, 2018

Mother's Day

The best and hardest thing I've ever done is being their mother. The way they wrap their arms around my neck before I tuck them into bed, the way they giggle when I make silly sounds or faces in their direction, the way they teach me to look at the world as if I'm seeing it for the very first time, the way they say 'da da' reminding me that choosing Nic as their dad was without a doubt my best decision I've ever made in my life, the way they make firsts and holidays completely magical, the way they teach me to be patient, the way they show love without saying anything at all, the way their dreams dance across their face as they peacefully sleep, the way they hold my heart in the palm of their hand, the way they fill me with joy, the way they challenge me and change me .... every moment with them has captivated my soul.

I've never felt more fulfilled than being their mom.

Mother's Day with two babies this year was everything I imagined it to be. I was reminded on several occasions throughout the day why it is as I said before, the BEST and HARDEST thing I've ever done. There was no sleeping but a redemptive nap in the afternoon. There were tantrums, patience constantly tested in the church hallways but there were 'I'm sorrys' to follow.

 All three of them made the day special and one to remember for me. I was gifted my very first hanging baskets and my two handy men hung them on our porch for me. The moment Nic picked up his drill, Liam went searching for his own to which I took some of the sweetest dad/son pictures ever ...

We constantly have to remind ourselves that Liam is at a stage in life where he watches and mimics our every move. There is nothing I love more than sitting back and seeing him bond in this way ...

He's such an amazing little helper ...

I don't naturally have a green thumb so I am praying with all my might that I'll remember to water these flowers and hopefully watch them flourish and bloom all summer long! Aren't they beautiful?!

I love my kids so so much!

My first Mother's Day with a daughter!

Along with spending the day with these two, I have to mention that my favorite gift of all was a sweet little butterfly, made out of Liam's handprints that he brought home for me from preschool.

We went to church together in the mornings and all took naps in the afternoon. In the evening we watched The Greatest Showman for the first time and all loved it as we danced together around the living room! We had a picnic dinner on the floor and it was a night I'll always remember. A simple and sweet Mother's Day.

Nic always makes me feel absolutely cherished as a wife and mother. When I start to feel like I'm losing myself in motherhood, he notices and encourages me to do something for myself. I read this quote that someone shared on Mother's Day that said ...

"I have been that mother - the really focused, engaged, loving mother who was all in, enjoying every speck of every second of motherhood. I have had days of basking in the moment and wanting it to last forever. I have been her, all of her. She is the woman I wish I was for my children at every moment. But I have also been a mother who felt like I could not answer one more question, listen to anymore crying, clean up one more mess. A mother who has felt so tired I thought I would split in two. I have been all of her too, every bit of her."

I am often hard on myself as a mom, always wanting to do more and be more for them. I'm lucky though to be surrounded by family and friends who encourage me and teach me daily that I am enough and exactly who they need.
Another poem that I came across on Mother's Day and had to share because it brought tears to my eyes and has had me slowing down and being more present with my kids ever since ... 

| The Last Time |

From the moment you hold your baby in your arms, you will never be the same.
You might long for the person you were before, when you had freedom and time, and nothing in particular to worry about.
You will know tiredness like you never knew it before, and days will run into days that are exactly the same, full of feeding and burping, whining and fighting, or lack of naps.
It might seem like a never-ending cycle. 
But don't forget ...
There is a last time for everything.
There will come a time when you will feed your baby for the very last time. 
They will fall asleep on you after a long day and it will be the last time you ever hold your sleeping child.
One day you will carry them on your hip, then set them down, and never pick them up that way again. 
You will scrub their hair in the bath one night and from that day on they will want to bathe alone. 
They will hold your hand to cross the road, then never reach for it again. 
They will creep into your room at midnight for cuddles, and it will be the last night you ever wake for this. 
One afternoon you will sing 'Wheels on the Bus' and do all the actions, then you'll never sing that song again.
They will kiss you goodbye at the school gate, the next day they will ask to walk to the gate alone.
You will read a final bedtime story and wipe your last dirty face.
They will one day run to you with arms raised, for the very last time.
The thing is, you won't even know it's the last time until there are no more times, remember there are only so many of them and when they are gone, you will yearn for just one more day of them. 
For one last time.

These are the times and I don't want to take a single one for granted. Being Liam and Lyla's mom is who I was always meant to be and I'm so thankful every day that they picked me!

May 15, 2018

eight months | letter to lyla

e i g h t   m o n t h s   o l d


Feeling textures.
Apple sauce.
Bath time.


Green beans.
Getting dressed.


Lyla's new tricks this month ... saying her first word ("da da", I think we've officially figured out who is the favorite and I'm 0 for 2 in the first word department haha), clapping, and spitting (it's hilarious when she does it while crying haha). She wearing some 6-12 month clothes and some 12-18 months, size 3 diapers, and she is finally starting to grow out of those 0-3 month shoes. ;)


Lyla has FINALLY started taking two naps most days, one around 9 and the other around 1. She typically wakes 1 or 2 times at night. She slept all the way through the night for her first time once this month!! 7 pm to 7 am and I woke up in a complete panic and celebrating all at the same time! We added blanket type bumpers around the bars of her crib and she loves to snuggle against them in the night.

| EAT |

We resumed solids this month and it has been touch and go so far. Before I was trying baby led weaning but with her reflux issues we are sticking with purees only for now until she completely stops spitting up. So far she has loved sweet potatoes and can suck down a squeezable apple sauce in less than a minute. She has hates most of the veggie ones of course and loves fruits. She is nursing before and after each time she wakes up.

Dear Lyla,
How are you 8 months old?! I've almost had you in my arms as long as I had you in my tummy! I'll never understand why time moves so quickly with you here and crawled when we anxiously awaited your arrival but they have been some of the best months of our lives with you in them. I can tell we are going to have one busy summer with you because you are mobile as can be. You have the cutest crawl ... it is essentially a swan dive/belly flop (you can only move your arms a couple times before you drop on your tummy). haha It doesn't stop you from getting where you need to go though. You also do this downward dog yoga pose where you get up on your hands and toes, such a strong baby. Speaking of strong, if we put our hands out, you can pull yourself up on your own already. You are starting to giggle more!!!! Mostly at whatever Liam is doing (usually dancing) but some times you give your daddy and I the time of day too. ;)  Summer is officially my favorite season to dress you ... showing off all of your rolls in bloomers and rompers! My favorite time of the day is right after nursing you to sleep ... you lay your head on my shoulder, your heavy body against my chest, and you start to snore. It is one of the few moments during the day that you are still and I walk around your nursery for a few extra minutes every time just soaking up those quiet moments with you. We gave you your very first pony tail/spout this month and your dad and I die over it every single time! Which is a good thing because you've started destroying your bow collection by pulling them down and chewing on them any time I put one on you. You've had your first trip to the zoo, your first stroller ride, your first ride in the shopping cart, and your first time sitting up in the bath tub on your own. You are the best thing to happen to all of us and we love you so much!!!
Love, Momma


Her first time at the zoo ...

Her blankie bumper rails I mentioned ...

Carrying her in the baby wrap never gets old. It will be a sad day for me when she gets too big for it. Also that hat!!!

Big girl riding in her first shopping cart ...

Her favorite toy in the world right now, spoons ...

First pony tail!!

The downward dog pose haha ...

Sitting up in the bath on her own ...

See what I mean about the summer clothes showing off her cute rolls!