May 23, 2018

Idaho Falls Zoo & our 7th anniversary

On Monday, Nic and I celebrated 7 years of marriage! What better place to spend it at than the zoo when you have kids in tow! What is it that they say ... "happy kids, happy life"?! ;)

The Idaho Falls Zoo really is one of the best zoos I've ever been to. Most of the animals are awake and interactive and several of them even had new BABIES!! It was our second time there, we took Liam a couple years ago and loved it just as much as we did then! We chased Liam around from exhibit to exhibit while Lyla lounged in the stroller and drove every kid crazy trying to figure out what animal was making the squeaking sound coming from her Sophie the giraffe. haha

One of our favorite moments was spotting this little joey stuffed in his momma's pouch! Not only was it adorable but it was entertaining to watch the baby try to take a bite of grass as the momma hopped along. Resourceful little thing.

Liam carried a stick around the whole zoo and loved sitting on any animal statue he could find. 

Another favorite of the day was this beautiful white peacock! It was unreal how majestic it looked!! I didn't even know it existed before Monday. 

Lyla's new "thing" is sticking out her tongue from the corner of her mouth. haha She is obsessed and I'm obsessed with her!

Being such a good big brother ... my two baby chicks ...

Another favorite from last time, the flamingos! 

There were so many pictures I had to recreate from our last visit ... this hand print being one of them. Somewhere along the way he has gotten so big.

Looking at swans, ducks, and pelicans from the bridge ...

After the zoo, we were feeling crazy and went to Olive Garden for lunch. I can't remember the last time we ate at a restaurant because ... kids ... but Liam only spilled his water twice during the meal so we considered it a win. haha

At the end of the day, we watched the season finale of Grey's (it had two weddings during the episode which seemed rather fitting) while eating our favorite ice cream. The day felt perfectly spent for this phase of life we are in right now at 7 years. Our two babies and this life we've made together is my dream come true. Love you so much Nic Williamson ... to us!! Happy Anniversary! XO

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