May 17, 2018

Liam's last day of preschool

Today was Liam's last day of his first year of preschool! I remember about this time last year, Liam was 2 1/2 and could barely say a handful of words. Nic and I were hopeful that putting him in preschool this year despite the fact that he would be the youngest in his class would be the right decision for him. Looking back now and seeing how far he has come, without a doubt it was the best decision we have made for him so far. 

This year he learned to say and write his first name, to almost count to 20 on his own, to recognize his colors (still working on brown), to vocalize his letters, and has expanded his vocabulary with countless new words. He's learned valuable social skills that he was not having the opportunity to learn at home as the oldest (and only child for a while). He tried new foods, made new friends, and became this confident version of himself! We couldn't be more proud of him!!!

All year long my favorite part of preschool days was picking him up from school. I'd open the front door and he'd come running across the room, arms outstretched to me, and squeal "MOMMY!". Being a mom is a relatively under appreciated job from your kids but it was one of those moments for me where I felt so loved and missed by him. It made my day every single time! Today I tried to capture it on video, just in case he decides he is too big to do it anymore next year. As I walked into his teacher's house I discovered all of his class was playing in her backyard for the last day of school. I stepped on to her back patio and instead of my usual reaction from him, Liam burst into tears. haha He didn't want to go and was having too much fun! 

This morning I sat down with Liam during breakfast and asked him some questions about his first year of preschool and wanted to share his responses!

... Preschool According to Liam ...

Who are your preschool teachers?
Miss Ang and Miss Amy

Who is your best friend at school?
Tenley (his teacher's daughter)

What is your favorite snack you got to have this year?
Scooby Doo gummies (a.k.a Scooby Doo fruit snacks which he brought on his snack day haha)

What was your favorite thing to do at school?
Toys and "making sumping" (making something)

What was your favorite thing you made?
My butterfly (the handprint one he made me for Mother's Day)

What did you learn at school this year?
butterflies and lady bugs

What will you miss the most?
Mommy (he thought I meant when I leave school) then he changed his answer to Miss Ang. So sweet!

I love this handsome little boy and am looking forward to all of our summer adventures together!

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