June 5, 2017

Life Lately

Life has been a mixture of fast and slow moments lately. The weekends for example go by in the blink of an eye and the 90 degree days which are just beginning are painfully slow to get through with a pregnant body. No matter what, I am trying so hard to soak up every single day of summer and the short time Nic and I have left with just Liam. 

We've been really lucky lately with the time Nic has gotten to take off work. I feel like just about every other week for the past couple of months he has had a 3 day weekend to spend with us, one of which was at the beginning of May on a Friday. We spent it at the Idaho Falls Temple Open House! The building has been closed for renovations for the past year and half so we went to see the changes that have been made during that time. We didn't notice as many changes as we thought we would but I know there was some pretty extensive electrical, wiring, etc. that was replaced so not all of it was visible. It was just as beautiful as ever though! Liam quietly walked hand-in-hand with us throughout the entire tour (he did SO great!) and then happily hopped on the bus ride at the end to go back to our car (his favorite part and first time on a bus! haha). A sweet girl offered to take our picture before we left but the sun was so incredibly bright that this was the best we could get ...

While I mentioned the couple of 90 degree days this first week of June, it rained for the better part of May. We spent most mornings doing what we do best, bath time! All three of us (Liam, baby sister, and I)! haha

On the sunny days, we've spent a lot of our time right here ...

We put in this sandbox for Liam last summer but he didn't love as much as he does this year! He begs me to go play in it now and it is filled with endless buckets, shovels, and beep beeps (what Liam likes to call his tractors/trucks). It is so cute how much he has loved wearing sunglasses lately too!

Before the splash pad opened, our evening walk would end with time at the playground. As we would get closer to the park, Liam would point and yell "WEE" (his word for slide). He always has to inspect the slide for bugs (which he is freaked out by) or bark before he can ever go down it. haha This usually requires one or both of us cleaning it off because rarely is it ever up to his appropriate slide standards. 

Most of the time, Rue comes outside with us too. She LOVES the backyard and has been so adventurous out there. She eats dandelions, chews on bark, and hides from Liam. haha We haven't taken her out there in the last few days though because we found a few patches of mushrooms we had to get rid of that were growing in our grass from the darn canal water. 

Pushing her around as usual and yelling, "Rue, that way!"...

On the first night we took her outside, Liam naturally chased her without shoes on right into the bark. He walked on it for only a minute or two but all of us paid for it big time when we had to hand pick about 30 splinters out of each foot. Lesson learned! He's worn shoes ever since.

On our walk last night Liam kept acquiring new sticks whenever he saw one along the path. The small ones he would generously give to Nic and I and the giant ones he would keep for himself. The one in his right hand closely resembled Gandalf's staff and he about took me out with it several different times!

Nearing the end of fall last year, we could not get our patio umbrella out of the holder that sits below the center of the table so we left it in there hoping that it would still be okay come spring. After all the wind storms we've had, I honestly wasn't sure it had survived but Nic was finally able to get it out this weekend and repair it! Of course Liam noticed right away that daddy had a fun "tool" out and wanted to try it too. Nic promised to give it to him after finishing the umbrella. Liam happily carried it around with him all evening long "fixing" things! Nic snuck away for a few minutes and came back with this piece of wood and a few nails to teach Liam how to screw them in. Most incredible dad of the year award!!

Over the weekend we also got our garden planted. I planted sugar snap peas, snow peas, spinach, and romaine lettuce again this year because they turned out so great last year! I'm trying carrots, cucumber, and green beans from seed for the first time so we'll see how they turn out. I was also so happy that my strawberry and raspberry plants survived the winter and are already thriving!!

Other than that, I ordered a little pool for the backyard and it is supposed to be showing up in the mail mid-week! I can hardly wait to get it set up and hope it helps make those 90 degree days just a bit more bearable! Hope you have a great week! XO

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