June 6, 2017

Liam at 2 1/2

It has been a while since I shared a snapshot of Liam's milestones and what makes this age "the best age yet" because we all know I say that every time. ;) Although I will admit, 2 year old toddlers have their challenges like the word "NO" which we now hear about 75 times a day and the tantrum throwing that follows when he doesn't get his way b ut for the most part, I love this spunky 2 1/2 year old and here are a few reasons why ...

The majority of the time he calls me "D" and Nic "Dat" but just in the last couple weeks he started to say Mom and Dada and my heart melts into a puddle on the floor every single time I hear it!!!

While he has never actually told me this himself, I'm pretty sure his favorite color is green. Any time he colors, he picks the green crayon/marker.

He's obsessed with his dad, every little thing that he does. He loves running and dancing in circles around the couch with him or going for "choo choo" rides on his back. 

Helping with chores is his favorite time of the day ... vacuuming, cooking, mowing the lawn, he loves every minute of it! Please lie and tell me he'll always feel this way. ;)

If I let him, he would live outside. He loves playing in the sandbox, riding his scooter or wheelie car, going to the park, etc.

He associates any squiggly line/thing with a snake and calls it a "ssssss". So I'm pretty sure snakes are also his favorite animal but let it be known that he is terrified of worms which resemble a snake's shape so the verdict is still out on the one. 

In fact, bugs in general he really doesn't like. Taking after his dad for sure who has a panic attack when he even senses one coming near! haha

Still the pickiest eater of ALL time! But I am pretty much guaranteed a meal win if yogurt, peanut butter, cheddar cheese, fruit, apple sauce, or pizza are involved. He calls all food "num nums".

He challenges me with his stubborn personality, constant need to pick his nose, and desire to stay up until all hours of the night. He definitely got his dad's internal clock and while we put him to bed between 8:30 to 9:00 he comes out of his room a good 4 times and doesn't drift off to sleep until close to 10:30. 

Still takes a solid 2 to 3 hour nap though!!!

His love of tractors, trains, cars, planes, and any moving thing still runs deep! He calls most of them "beep beeps" but can distinguish between them with their different sounds they make. Whenever he sees an airplane flying over our house he chases after it with his arms in the air as if he can reach it.

He recently learned how to draw a flower and it is the cutest thing ever. A circle with a line! haha

He is talking more and more each day, finally using plurals like "two balls". It is so nice to be able to understand more often what he is trying to communicate to us!

Still prefers a bath to a shower which we take together just about every morning.

I could probably go on and on because there are so many little things that make up his cute personality that I love so much! I really can't believe how big he is getting. In fact, I signed him up to start preschool in the fall, where did my baby go?! Which really means that I need to kick my potty training game in gear these next couple months so he is ready for preschool and baby sister to arrive. The potty seat is in our bathroom and I bought m&m's today so I'll keep you updated! He currently won't even sit on his little potty when asked if he wants to so we are starting with baby steps (getting comfortable with sitting on it clothed). This might just be my least favorite thing about 2 1/2. haha

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