June 3, 2017

splish splash pad

We've been anxiously awaiting the grand opening of our first splash pad in our town since it was announced last summer. The best part, it is within walking distance of our home!! We watched the construction take place all last fall and this spring and were excited when it opened for good on Thursday!

For the last 3 out of 4 days we've eaten dinner, gone for a long walk, and ended the walk at the splash pad until the sun goes down! Liam has never liked showers and has always needed to be be in control when it comes to water on his head so we had low expectations of how much he would actually like it at first. The first night we went he was the only kid there walking circles around and around the outside of the fountains and joyfully splashing in the puddles beneath his feet FAR from the water that could fall on his head. haha Since then though, each night he gets more and more brave and will now put his arms and legs in the water (occasionally will let a few drops fall on his head!). I think by the end of the summer he will be happily playing right in the middle of all of it like all the rest of the kids. 

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