July 7, 2020

Quarantine | Vol. 1

Our last outing with my mom to the Eagle Green Belt before we quarantined from everyone (including family) for a couple of months. It was back at the beginning of March and still cold at the time so we were all bundled up to skip rocks in the river.

This picture shows their personalities so much! haha Liam, always with a stick in his hand and in some form of a wizard world. Then there's Lyla who is accidentally tripping from trying to get somewhere quicker than her legs will carry her!

One of Liam's favorite things right now are gemstones. He'll hunt for rocks wherever we go that look shiny or have different colors to them. Nic is the best dad and taught him that you can break open rocks and discover that sometimes they contain special fragments inside.  

Trying to get Lyla to slow down for two seconds to get a picture with Sita was an obstacle!

It's even better going off the beaten path in nature and finding fun things to explore like this fort ...

Then quarantine began and it was still cold outside. Liam's love for beanies grew and his disappoint for no playgrounds did too. 

We celebrated St. Patrick's Day by working together to make a leprechaun trap with all of these fun colorful things!

This is what they came up with ... LOTS of "shinies"! Just like last year, they woke up disappointed when they discovered no leprechaun had been caught but the Lucky Charms for breakfast made up for it. ;)

There was a whole lot of homeschool in the form of fun activities! We practiced counting to one hundred by tens with colored unifix cubes ...

We talked about the color wheel and blending the primary colors to make new colors by melting crayons together into fun shapes. They also practiced colors and fine motor skills by stringing fruit loops on a necklace! Lyla got 4 or so in and gave up to eat the rest. ;) 

We did a lot of coloring and painting together. I love these pictures of Liam's "Hulk" hands!

We practiced identifying shapes and creating fun things out of them. Liam built this whole turtle family all by himself! Lyla was all about the pepperoni playdoh pizza ...

We sent a whole string of hilarious quarantine memes back and forth with Nic's dad. This was one of my favorites and pretty accurate if you ask me! haha

We started having church at home and it has been some of the most sweet, sacred, unforgettable, and challenging at times (haha), memories we will have from this whole experience. Listening to Lyla learning to say prayers by herself and watching Nic bless the bread and water followed by Liam passing it are among some of my most favorite moments. I adore this family of mine!

When we get outside for a walk sometimes Liam will bring along his remote control car he got for Christmas (those are fairly slow walks believe it or not haha). That wiley car sure likes the grass a whole lot more than the sidewalk. ;)

Still more stick collecting too, sometimes even in our pajamas but especially in leggings. haha My little momma giving her dolly a stroll around the neighborhood ...

Can't forget the bottle in the stroller!

We've played at a close by school a lot ... stuffing together in the pink car when their legs get tired or wearing costumes and pretending to be a bat! 

Using the schools vaulting pit for a sandbox. ;)

Keeping our spirits up with sweet messages in chalk on our driveway and surprises from family members and friends!

It's not over, it has had its challenging moments but it has also held a lot of really treasured ones too. 

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