July 7, 2020

Liam Lost His First Tooth

At the end of March and after nearly a month of wiggling, Liam lost his first tooth! If you zoom in you can see the adult tooth almost fully grown in behind his missing one. He took his time wiggling that little tooth back and forth until he finally worked up the courage to let me pull it. It felt like a big milestone in his young life as well as my parenting journey so far and turned out to be a bit more traumatic than him and I both bargained for. A few tries and a lot of tears later (including some from Lyla haha), we finally got that hummer out. How grown up and cute does he look with a missing tooth in his smile?! 

The sweet note Liam wrote all by himself and left by his bed side for the tooth fairy! I love his adorable picture he drew of her ... 

The surprise the tooth fairy left for him!

His reaction was the sweetest! Filled with joy for his sparkly dollars and special tooth fairy box and helper. ;)

Cutie pie in his bed that morning ...

He has since lost his other bottom tooth and like the last, after the adult tooth was almost fully grown in behind it. This time instead of pulling it, it was hanging by a thread and he bit into an apple and it ripped it out. haha Lots of tears again. Taking a deep breath and hoping for the best for the next one! He's getting so big!

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