July 4, 2018

Turning 28

I celebrated my 28th birthday the last week of June and if there is one memory I could write down from that day it would be how sweet my family was at trying to make it so special for me. Both my boys told me "Happy Birthday" several times and all Nic wanted to do every single moment of the whole weekend was something for me.

In reality, it was one of those weekend when almost every single plan you make falls through and it was tough not to feel discouraged. We had planned to go to Boise but the kids were going on 10 days of runny noses and coughs and we knew everyone would get the sleep they needed to feel better in their own beds so we canceled the trip last minute. We started trying to make fun plans in town like swimming at the Wellness Complex because the "beach" is one of my favorite places to be but it turned out to be unseasonably cold outside (also not good for their colds). We tried going out to lunch at Wingers since we wouldn't be able to on Sunday but Lyla refused to nap in the morning and fell asleep for the first time that day at noon. Nic decided to pick it up for take out instead and RIGHT as he showed up to the restaurant Lyla woke up from a mere 30 minute nap and was awake for the rest of the afternoon (so we could have gone after all). We thought about taking the kids to this fun indoor skating rink but their Saturday hours were after the kids' bed times that late in the day.

My actual birthday landed on Sunday this year and I wasn't overly excited about it because we do our best to try and keep the Sabbath day holy (eat meals at home, try to keep our activities focused on God, etc.). It was the usual mad rush to get to 9 AM church on time and everything seemed to be taking 10 times longer than normal to get ready. I picked a dress from Nic for my birthday and as I tried it on moments before we left, it didn't fit so I couldn't wear it. That's when the tears began to fall and I let myself feel pretty defeated for the next 30 minutes.

After those 30 minutes went by though I began to feel the Spirit there and it calmed me down. I took a moment to look around me and found myself thinking about all the things I had in my life at that very moment at 28 years old that I was so grateful for. And everything felt right in the world.

I took a deep breath and blew out these candles knowing my wishes have already come true!

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