July 12, 2018

a new chapter

When I met Nic 9 years ago, one of the first things I told him was that I didn't have any intention of staying here. I loved growing up in the Boise area of Idaho and wanted to move back after I graduated from college but God has a way of making other plans for your life that you don't expect and the most important thing I've learned (and learned quickly) is that His plans are even better than the ones you will ever make for yourself. So when He told me Nic was the one, I married him. When He told me to apply for a job in Pocatello because of the college connections I made through the school district here, I did and loved every minute of teaching 3rd grade. When we both had great jobs and could consider traveling the world, we felt the pull to settle down instead and bought our first home. Then again when it was time for me to stay at home with Liam, he made a way for us to do just that. Every life decision up until this point He has guided and suddenly I realized that 10 years had gone by and I had grown to love this place that I once thought I would leave so early on. It became my home. I always felt my purpose here, I started my family here, and I'll never forget it. Which brings me to today ... a new chapter.

Our little family is moving!!!

As of yesterday, our house is on the market and we are moving to Boise! It is so bittersweet and still doesn't even feel real. All we know is that it is time. I know this new chapter will bring growth for our family in so many ways and I'm excited to take the leap of faith with them! I'll share more details in the coming weeks but for now, we have a TON of boxes to pack and a house to sell. Wish us luck! Here's to a new adventure! XO

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