March 15, 2018

this is us

It's not very often that I get a picture of the four of us together but it always mean so much to me when I do. A little glimpse of our family at this very moment because heaven knows, life moves faster than we can even imagine and our babies grow bigger every single day. So in an effort to capture pictures of the four of us more often and to remember the sweet and silly things about each of us at every stage together, I'm starting a new series called "This is Us"... 

L Y L A 
s i x   m o n t h s

Is as stubborn and sweet as they come! She started doing this closed mouth smile that is equally as heart melting as her wide open one. She has no interest in learning how to sit up when she can dig in her heals and someone will help her stand, her favorite way to see the world around her. She loves nursing more than solids and wants very little to do with sleeping, especially through the night.  

L I A M 
t h r e e   a n d   a   h a l f

Is talking up a storm and beginning to ask questions about everything! He has an internal alarm clock that wakes him at 6:45 every morning but every other day or so he'll patiently wait for his "OK to wake" alarm clock to turn green so that he can have is beloved donut reward. He is starting to fight nap time more and more lately but when he does fall asleep he has to be woken up or he'll nap for a good 3 hours. He begs to watch Blippi and is obsessed with transformer toys. His favorite thing about preschool is snack time. ;)

r o c k i n '   t h i r t y

Is as incredible of a dad and husband as they come. He gets home from a long day of work and doesn't hesitate to fold the pile of laundry that didn't get done or help give the kids a bath while I clean up the dishes. He remembers the little things like making sure my car is filled with gas and grabbing a burp cloth for me as I'm about to nurse Lyla. He diligently gets up to exercise every morning whether I can or not from being up all night with the baby. He'd eat scrambled eggs and peanut butter toast for breakfast every morning and pizza for dinner for the rest of his life if he could.

t w e n t y ' s   f o r e v e r

Is lucky if she can get a loud of laundry and the dishes done every day but diligent about dance parties in the kitchen with her kids. She misses being able to clean the house in one sitting but is slowly recognizing this just isn't the phase of life for it. She is obsessed with taking pictures and videos of her kids and is learning the ins and outs of Lightroom to find her photo editing style. She adores kissing Lyla's neck rolls, snuggling with Liam in his bed for story time, and holding Nic's hand while out and about (something that is rare with kids these days). She has never been more tired in her whole life but also never happier either!

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