March 21, 2018

six months | letter to lyla

s i x   m o n t h s   o l d

18 lbs. 2 oz. (75th percentile)
25 in. (25th percentile)


Rolling over.
Being on her tummy or standing.
Grabbing on to everything.
Cow toy and carrot teether.


Being alone.


Lyla hit SO many milestones this month ... her latest being sitting up on her own! She has become so much more mobile ... rolling around everywhere and has started getting up on her hands and knees for a second or two at a time. She rotates herself around in circles while on her tummy and it is the cutest thing ever. She chews and sucks on her fingers and toes constantly and has all of a sudden been grabbing everything in sight. Lyla is wearing 6-12 month clothes, size 3 diapers, and 0-3 month shoes (#tinyfeet!). Her bald patch is finally starting to grow back in and her hair is still a really pretty reddish brown color like mine was when I was a baby. So far her eyes look like they will be blue and she is taking after her daddy in head size (haha), 45 cm., 95th percentile. 


Lyla sleeps on her tummy now with her knees tucked and her bum in the air. Cutest thing ever!!! Her longest stretch of sleep at night has been 9 hours (it only happened once when she didn't nap all day) but for the most part, she still wakes up once in the night to nurse. Despite my sleep training efforts, she will only take one nap during the day. It is anywhere from 2 to 3 hours. The timing of that nap is different depending on the day but if she wakes up any earlier than 4 in the afternoon than it is a struggle getting her to make it to bed time. She goes to bed at 7 pm, wakes up between 2-3 am to nurse, and sleeps until 7:30 am or so. 

| EAT |

Over the course of the last month Lyla tried oatmeal, apple sauce, banana, blueberries, avocado, peas, green beans, and broccoli. Due to continued acid reflux problems, a few nights of throwing up, no longer wanting to eat when it is offered, and a rash on her face, our pediatrician has recommended we wait another month or so before beginning solids again. At this age, spitting up should be dying down but she still struggles with it so right now she is strictly nursing. She doesn't have any teeth yet and still has her gum cyst (but it is smaller). Besides when she was sick with a cold for about a week and half this month, she is only waking up once in the night to nurse. She nurses every 2-3 hours during the day.

Dear Lyla,
I can't believe we are halfway to your first birthday. You are getting so big and so much more mobile. It is only slightly freaking me out to think of the shenanigans you and your brother could get into any time I turn around for 2 seconds. haha Speaking of Liam, he is still your very favorite person. You could watch him play all day long and are mesmerized by everything he does. He can do almost anything to make you giggle and he adores you right back. You are the first person he asks to go see in the morning and is disappointed whenever you are still sleeping. You have the most shrill scream we've all ever heard and it makes Liam cover his ears. haha Any time we lay you on the ground you roll over 10 times within a minute or two and find yourself on a completely different side of the room! I cherish every nursing moment when it is just the two of us and I can carry you asleep in my arms. You started tucking in your bottom lip and doing this closed mouth smile that is equally as heart melting as your big grin is. A few weeks ago, you were sitting with me at the kitchen table while I was eating my breakfast and side swiped my water glass while I was taking a drink. It spilled all over the two of us. haha You've been grabbing onto everything in sight eve since! You are really loving your toys, especially teethers that can easily be chewed on. I'm looking forward to the day when you will sleep through the night but I cherish those quiet moments with you too. We celebrated your first Valentine's Day and I couldn't resist not covering you in kisses. Nothing new though, kissing your neck rolls is my favorite! We adore you so so much!! Happy Half Birthday baby girl!
Love, Momma


Lyla's first Valentine's Day ...

Yummiest little tootsies ...

Practicing her new trick, sitting up!

Any time I take a picture of Lyla, Liam wants to be in the picture with her too. It's adorable!

I love her I love her I love her I love her I love her ...

That belly!!!

The way she looks at him ...

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