December 18, 2017

three months | letter to Lyla

t h r e e   m o n t h s   o l d


Taking a bath.


Being in the dark.
Wearing hats.


Lyla girl discovered her hands this month! She clasps them together in front of her face and stares at them or sticks them in her mouth. She is lasting longer and longer during time tummy before getting upset and can hold up her head, neck, and shoulders while laying on her forearms. She is wearing 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers. She is so close to giggling but it sort of comes out like a fake cough right now. haha She started rubbing her eyes when she is tired and besides her smile, I don't think I have ever seen anything sweeter!


Lyla's sleep patterns are really similar to what they were at 2 months old. She does one long and one short stretch at night, waking only once to nurse. Her longer stretch ranges from 4-6 hours and her shorter stretch is 2-3. Her naps are still inconsistent but she typically takes two sometime throughout the day and just like Liam did right about this age, struggles in the evening without a short 20-30 minute cat nap. We are working on dropping that so that we can move her bed time up. It has been somewhere between 9:30-10:30 and we'd like it to be at 8:00 with Liam. She has officially outgrown her bassinet to where it is becoming uncomfortable for her to sleep in so we'll be transitioning her to her crib.

| EAT |

Lyla nurses once in the night and every 2 hours or so during the day. She has no longer needed a bottle right before bed for the last few weeks and is strictly nursing. She still spits up constantly no matter what position we put her in after eating. We basically go through every single burp cloth and blanket we own by the end of every day. Hello laundry!

Where did my little newborn go?! You are getting so big and bringing so much joy to our family every single day! It is all of our missions in life to get you to smile! Dad and I have to actually work at it but Liam on the other hand, all he has to do is look at you and you give him the biggest grin in the whole world. I think it safe to say you love him the most right now which is okay with me! ;) I hope as you two grow, you will be the best of friends. We celebrated your second holiday this month, Thanksgiving, and let's just say it didn't exactly go as planned. You'll learn in life that things can happen that way and I hope when they do, we can teach you to make the most of them. You fall asleep the second we put you in your carseat yet it takes a swaddle sack, binkie, blanket, and rocking to get you to sleep any other time. haha I'm not going to lie, it has made library and grocery trips awfully convenient though. You finally got a small little bald patch on the back of your head but you're hanging on to that beautiful strawberry brown hair that I had has a baby and I secretly love having something we share. It is a miracle you have so many cute rolls considering how much you spit up. I love every single one of them! You love sucking and chewing on your hands and make the cutest little sounds when you do. You continue to steal our hearts every day ... we love you so much!
Love, Momma


Happiest baby!! She loves being naked and wildly flailing her arms and legs!

Chewing on her hands and sucking on her little fingers all day long ...

Finally getting better at enjoying tummy time more! We pulled out this tummy time pillow that we had with Liam and she loves it!

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