December 19, 2017

the year that Liam licked Santa's beard!

Yes, you read that title right. 

On Saturday we visited Santa and Mrs. Clause at Nic's work. After missing Santa at the festival of trees, Liam had been talking about seeing him for the last two weeks. He has seemed very into Santa this year but we set our expectations low about their actual interaction after last year's Santa experience. There was a group of people standing around and talking but no one was actually in line to see Santa so we were able to go right up to the front. I kid you not, Liam ran from Nic's side right into Santa's arms annnnnd ........... wait for it ................ 

LICKED Santa's beard!!!!

I could not make this stuff up even if I tried! haha
Apparently seeing Santa made Liam super hyper and silly! Every time Santa asked him what he wanted for Christmas (something he had been rehearsing to tell him all Christmas season) "a backhoe and a motorcycle", he instead proceeded to stick out his tongue and make silly sounds and not say anything at all. haha I was busy snapping away pictures and couldn't hear their conversation so after a couple of minutes we asked Liam if he told Santa what he wanted and Santa said, "Well, I couldn't really get it out of him but it sounds like he wants toys and books for Christmas this year!" haha How generic Santa! 

Meanwhile, Lyla was over there being an absolute gem for Mrs. Clause. She fell asleep in her crib earlier that afternoon and woke up in a strangers arms (hence her expression) haha but other than that, she never even made a peep. 

Next to the first picture that will go down in our priceless Santa meeting history ... this was the next best keepsake! Lyla's first Christmas and first picture with Santa!

The best Santa experience yet! Not only did we get to skip the lines and not have to pay $40 for one Santa photo but they even gave Liam his own stuffed animal ... a kitty! 
Ho Ho Ho! and sorry about the beard, Santa!

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