November 18, 2017

two months | letter to Lyla

Lyla is 2 months old already and changing so much every day! Hanging on to those sweet newborn snuggles as long as I possibly can.

t w o   m o n t h s   o l d

14 lbs. 2 oz.
22.5 in.


Being Held.
Taking a bath.
The Solly Baby wrap.
Getting her diaper changed. (a big change from last month!)
Being naked.
Being upright (on your shoulder, standing/sitting up with help). 


Getting out of the bath.
Tummy time.
Having a dirty diaper.
Being cradled in your arms like a baby.


First of all, I have to mention that we were totally shocked to hear that a 14 lb. 2 oz. baby is in the 50th percentile. haha Her rolls made us think otherwise before her 2 month doctor visit. ;) Speaking of her doctor visit, she got her first round of shots the other day and took it like a champ. She only cried out for a minute and then was already back to her smiling self. Thankfully she didn't get a fever in the night but was a little more fussy in the later afternoon. It was not surprising to us that her head was 40 cm and in the 75th percentile. haha That there is a Williamson noggin for you. She smiles and coos all the time now and it is my absolute FAVORITE thing about this stage!! She is incredibly strong and able to see a lot further away now. She just finished her last box of size 1 diapers and is in 0-3 month clothes (although they are beginning to get tight).


Lyla consistently started sleeping a 5 hour stretch at the beginning of the night since 7 weeks old, only waking up once to nurse!!!!! She even did a 7 hour stretch last night for the first time! LOVE! She still sleeps pretty inconsistently throughout the day. Some days she takes three longer naps and other days she takes a bunch of random short cat naps. Her swaddle sack is still her best friend and she loves to sleep with her arms above her head and her hands in tiny little fists. 

| EAT |

Lyla nurses just about every hour and a half during the day. Despite my constant effort to keep up my supply, she often wants a 4 oz bottle right after nursing before bed time. Girl can eat!! She still spits up constantly which I'm pretty sure is due to reflux.

Every time we blink you are doing something new. I forgot about that part of the first year. It is both the greatest because we are so proud of every one of your successes and the hardest at the same time because it means you are leaving a stage behind. Definitely bittersweet! I think both daddy and Liam would agree with me that the best part of our day is when you wake up and are filled with smiles. You smile with your whole face and it lights up an entire room! You have the most darling coos to go along with it. You also have wicked bed head and the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen. If you had it your way, you would have us walking around with you on our shoulder constantly so that you can see the world around you. You still sleep in mommy and daddy's room and are much less noisy of a sleeper than you were when we first brought you home so I think we'll let you stay in there a little while longer. ;) You are the happiest with a fresh diaper and no clothes on. After several weeks of only pooping every 3 to 4 days (which your pediatrician said was normal after I panicked and checked with him), you've given us several blow outs in the last week or two and it seems to have picked back up again. We celebrated your first holiday this month (Halloween) and you were the sweetest little jewelry box ballerina I've ever seen! We can't wait for your next holiday because it is a time to reflect on the things we are most thankful for and for us this year, that is you. We love you to the moon and back again!
Love, Momma



In case you were wondering what she will be wearing for Thanksgiving ...

She grew out of that little flamingo sweatshirt in a second!

I love baby stretches!

AND baby bonnets!!

 See what I mean, she smiles with her whole face!! Cutest girl in the whole world!

She is beginning to discover her tongue ...

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