November 9, 2017

life lately

This week you guys, it's not been an easy one. With daylight savings time (6 AM wake up calls from a certain 3 year old), Liam's cold, diving back in to exercise, and cutting processed sugar (operation lose the baby weight) it has been a long one for sure. Thankfully it is Nic's Friday and we have a 3 day weekend ahead of us to look forward to!! Our weekend agenda includes prepping our yard for winter because believe it or not, we haven't gotten to that yet since Lyla was born, hanging the Christmas lights before it gets too cold, and having Lyla's baby blessing at church on Sunday. Her little white dress is so beautiful!

Before jumping in to all of that, I thought I would share a bit of our life lately ...

We've already gotten our first snow fall of the season during the second week of October but it lasted a whole 5 minutes because it was so wet (sorry Liam who wanted to play in it!). Also see what I mean by our yard not being prepped ... the sandbox isn't even covered for heaven sake. haha

We tried to squeeze in as many walks as possible while collecting leaves along our way. I had what I thought was my best mom idea ever and brought a bunch of different shaped leaves inside to teach Liam how to put them under paper and color over the top with the side of a crayon to see the outline of the leaf show through. While showing him with one leaf, he grabbed the rest of the pile and crumbled them all over the kitchen. Then proceeded to find his big tractor and scoop and dump leaf crumbs everywhere he went. #fail This cute little leaf skirt though ...

Liam had a birthday party for his friend Trey at Jump In a couple weeks ago. It was the first time I had ever taken him there when it wasn't a designated "toddler time" and I sincerely feared for his life several times. Lots of big kids racing through the jump houses and not watching for little ones crawling underneath things. You better believe momma bear showed her protective roar. 

Lyla has started smiling so much lately and it completely melts our hearts! She opens her mouth so wide and smiles with her whole face. Of course the moment I pull out my phone to capture it on camera she usually stops but she was giving me a little smile while I was reading to her the other day and I just so happened to have my camera ready ;) ... cutest!!

It has been a month of wellness visits between my yearly physical (a woman should not have to get weighed right after having a baby if you ask me haha), a trip to the dentist for Liam (went about as good as the first time), and Liam's 3 year old check up with the Dr. Burton. Thankfully no shots were required this time! Our growing boy was 36.4 pounds and I'm sure is still in the 99th percentile for head circumference. ;)

The spiders, cobwebs, witch broomsticks, and bats were put away on November 1st leaving the pumpkins behind for the month of Thanksgiving. 

We have family night on Monday nights and this last Monday we read a cute book called "Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving", a spin off from the Christmas version, and then made a gratitude list as a family on the chalkboard in our kitchen. Liam's answers were my favorite! See if you can pick them out. ;)

While Lyla and I met up with one of my girlfriends on Saturday morning, Nic and Liam had a dad-son date at Home Depot. They have a free activity once a month you can sign up for and for Veteran's Day this month they got to build a humvee. It was adorable how excited Liam was to show me when he got home!

Liam blows Nic and I away these days with how much he is talking. He seriously never stops and we are able to understand more and more every day! He recently learned all of his colors and now he is quick to notice and point out color in everything around him like his playdo for example.

I am truly terrible when it comes to building legos and it is one of Liam's favorite toys right now. In the evenings, Nic will sit down and creatively build him these masterpieces out of a handful of legos and I am over here completely dumbfounded every time because I think it is a true talent. Anyways, it is a talent that Liam wishes I possess as well but despite Nic's hard effort to teach me the foundation, my skills are clearly lacking. However, Sita (my mom) got him this little building set for his birthday, complete with a "map" as Liam likes to call it, of things you can build with them. Now THOSE I am a champ at! See dinosaur below ...

Other than that, it is a whole lot of nurse nurse nurse nurse nurse around here. ;) Got to keep the baby happy and fed! We are finally starting to get into a rhythm with two kids and have even started back up family lunch dates at daddy's work during the week. Hope you have the BEST weekend! XO

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