September 16, 2017

Lyla's First Bath

Unlike her big brother, Lyla was not a fan of her first bath! haha He stretched his head back under the running water as if he was spending the day at the most luxurious spa imaginable and she wanted absolutely nothing to do with it. We waited to give one to her until Liam was at school so that there wouldn't be too many helping hands around because heaven knows, there are a lot of those these days. ;) She was given a sponge bath while in the NICU after she was born and we were told she screamed through the whole thing so we didn't really expect any different at home. Her umbilical cord still hasn't fallen off yet so it was more of a second sponge bath than being fully immersed in water.

Thankfully she calmed down after we dimmed the lights a bit and gave her a binkie. I waited to take most of these pictures until after she was a little more relaxed and looking back on them now, they remind me how much I LOVE first bath pictures!!!

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