September 15, 2017

Liam's First Day of Preschool

Last Thursday this little goofball had his first day of preschool!!!

We barely made it out the door on time so if that is evidence to how the school year will go with 9 am mornings twice a week (now with a baby in tow) we are in trouble! haha He proudly put on his backpack which is the equivalent of 2/3 his size and agreed to pack just two tractors even though it could fit his entire room. He looks like such a little ninja turtle whenever he wears it ;) ...

Our brave boy marched right in the front door on the first day with his picture of his family and two "beep beeps" for sharing time in his hands and never looked back. Surprisingly enough I didn't cry either! Nic and I took him together that morning and spent the next two hours anxiously pacing around (while finishing packing hospital bags because I was induced that same day) until it was time to pick him and hear all about it.

He told us his favorite parts were "num nums" and "choo choo's"! They celebrated a birthday for one of the kids in his class with cupcakes and also got to play trains. In other words, it could have been Liam's birthday and you wouldn't have noticed a difference ... ALLL his favorite things!

With Lyla here, Nic has been taking him to school and 75% of the mornings he still does great joining the other kids but sometimes has a hard time saying goodbye. He thankfully has a wonderful teacher, Ms. Ang, who he loves and has already made his first friend there, a little girl named Eve who he calls "Eep!" haha In just the last week I've noticed his vocabulary has absolutely taken off, I'm talking more full sentences than single words and it makes my momma heart so happy and proud! I know he is going to learn so much this year and I can't wait to see him grow!

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