April 10, 2017

second baby bumpdate | 17 weeks

Happy Monday & Easter Week!! I am welcoming Monday afternoon with open arms after the crazy amount of stress I've experienced over the last three days. Saturday did not start off well when I discovered I accidentally hadn't checked my mail in a few weeks and found jury duty paperwork that was late to say the least. Nothing like mulling over a piece of paper that states in all caps that you could be fined $300 and/or spend up to 3 days in jail all weekend long! (In our defense, what kind of archaic system sends that kind of important information by mail only!? Especially to a generation where we pay all of our bills online and typically only receive junk in our mail.) Lesson learned. Then after a very nerve-wracking apology I gave in person at the court house this morning I followed it up with a terrifyingly silent four minutes in a doctor's office listening for our baby's heartbeat. The nurse looked worried, I was almost in tears, and I was cursing my long torso after it was all said and done! Thankfully, baby's heartbeat was found and I've been feeling fluttering kicks ever since throughout the afternoon. 

 Speaking of this baby, I'm already quickly discovering what I've heard from several moms to be true, that any pregnancy after you first just doesn't get documented quite as often. :) Please forgive me baby Williamson #2! Your brother keeps me from taking very many pictures of your growth and having an opportunity to sit down and write but it doesn't mean I love you any less! Here's where we are together at 17 weeks ...

How Far Along ...

17 weeks

Gender ...

We find out in a few weeks and I honestly don't have a clue if it will be pink or blue. ;) I took some quirky gender prediction tests just for fun and will share them with you later on in the week. We are excited for either gender!!!

Maternity Clothes ...

I found myself embracing maternity clothes so much sooner with this pregnancy than I did with my first. There is no reason I should suffer through trying to fit in uncomfortable clothes when pregnancy can already be uncomfortable as it is, am I right?! ;) haha So far these jeans have been my lifesaver!

Belly Button & Wedding Ring ...

Belly button in and already growing more narrow by the minute just like it did with my first pregnancy. Still holding out for the elusive outie that I think is so adorable. ;) Wedding ring is still on but I had it resized after that horrible morning when I lost it! It is a whole size and half smaller than it was during my pregnancy with Liam so I highly doubt I will get away with it fitting the whole pregnancy this time.

Sleep ...

I seem to be in a pattern of about 3 not so great nights of sleep and then finally crashing on the fourth. That doesn't stop me from having to wake up to use the bathroom like clockwork about every two hours though. haha Up until now I have been getting by with a blanket along my side and in-between my legs but I finally pulled out my body pillow this week and I forgot what a lifesaver that thing is!!

Best Moment(s) this Week ...

Next to baby kicks, my second favorite moment was our doctor's visit this morning when we got to hear the baby's heart beat for the second time. I never feel more relief than I do in that moment!

Miss Anything ...

Life before acid reflux! Sometimes it makes eating anything the worst but I just got the medication I was taking changed so I'm hopeful that the new brand will work better.

Movement ...

Feeling tiny baby flutters starting around 15 1/2 weeks. It was during the dreaded 4:00 - 5:00 hour when nap time is over and we anxiously await daddy coming home from work. I was resting on the couch, the bee movie was playing in the background, and Liam was serenading me with his beloved drum set ... all of a sudden I felt these tiny flutters coming from the right side and it completely caught me off guard. ESPECIALLY because I was 21 weeks before I ever felt/recognized Liam's kicks. I almost didn't believe it but then it happened again a few moments later and it made the whole rest of my day! Since then, I usually feel baby kick every day between 3 - 7 at night. 

Cravings ...

Other than a random night when I wanted sour gummy worms (SO strange!) back when I was about 9 weeks I haven't craved anything. In fact, I'm just thankful I am able to eat more foods now and not live with constant nausea. 

Feelings & Emotions ...

Thankful that we heard a steady heartbeat this morning and that this baby is growing away.

Looking Forward to ... 

So many things! Nic and Liam feeling the baby kick. Finding out the baby's gender in just a few weeks. Brainstorming ideas for the baby's nursery. And definitely Easter this weekend! I think Liam is going to love hunting for eggs so much this year!!


  1. What a fun way to update!! I'm sorry you had a rough weekend--hopefully you'll be able to rest before the holiday!!


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