April 18, 2017

second baby bump | gender predictions

Happy Tuesday!! We just got back from a fun holiday weekend spent with my family in Boise and I have a billion Easter pictures to transfer from my camera and post over the next couple of days. Until then, I thought it would be fun to share some gender predictions today!

image via Rifle Paper Co.

In just a little less than two weeks we will have our first ultrasound for this baby and find if Liam is having a little brother or sister. During my pregnancy with Liam, both Nic and I were pretty certain I was having a boy. Maybe because there are a lot of boys on both sides of our family?? With this pregnancy we honestly do not have a clue. I was a lot sicker this time around than I was with Liam so I feel like everyone has said to me at one point or another, "Well you must be having girl!" but who knows!

Honestly rather than gender I've had to convince myself for quite some time that we weren't having twins. haha I have had a friend tell me she had a dream about me having twins, I myself have had a couple dreams about having twins. In fact I woke up from a twin dream two Saturday mornings ago and went to crack my first egg while making us breakfast and it was a twin yolk. haha Such a bizarre coincidence. The two big things that had me questioning for so long were that I showed so much faster this time around (I'm talking 8 weeks along!) and when we heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time at my 12 week appointment she placed the doppler on the very far right side and immediately heard a heartbeat and didn't move it anywhere else. That rumor has since been put to rest when it took her about 4 very terrifying minutes at my 17 week appointment to find the baby's heartbeat and she ran the doppler all over my tummy.

We would be thrilled with having either gender and have had fun looking at some silly ways of predicting whether we are having a boy or a girl ...

Nausea ...
Lots (girl) None (boy) | GIRL

Baby's Heart Rate ... 
Above 140 bpm (girl) or Under 140 bpm (boy) | GIRL
So far baby's heartbeat was 156 bpm at 12 weeks and 142 bpm at 17 weeks.

Based on age and month of conception | GIRL

Mayan Predictor ...
Based on age and year of conception, both even or odd (girl) or one even and one odd (boy) | GIRL 

Carrying Baby ...
High (girl) or Low (boy) | GIRL

Cravings ...
Fruit & sweets (girl) or Meat & cheese & salty (boy) | GIRL

Chest ...
Not grown (girl) or Has grown (boy) | BOY

Ask a Little Boy ...
If a little boy (ahem, Liam) shows interest in my pregnant belly (girl) or Not interested (boy) | BOY

Observe Your Curves ...
Face is rounder (girl) or Bum is rounder (boy) | BOY

Ring on a String ...
Swings in a circle (girl) or Swings side to side (boy) | BOY

Some fun and hilarious articles I found with gender prediction tests here and here, some of which I used in this post! Out of the 10 different tests, 6 predicted baby girl and 4 predicted baby boy. We will just have to wait and see in a couple weeks which ones were right! ;)

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