October 19, 2016

the corn maze & pumpkin patch with friends

We had the best time spending Saturday evening with our friends, the Southworth's, at the Wild Adventures Corn Maze & Pumpkin Patch! They had so many fun things for kids to try ... pedal go-carts, bounce houses, rocking horses, and slides. They even had a small zip line but we didn't dare send Hadley and Liam on it and expect them those wild children to hang on for dear life. haha They wanted to though!

Mickenzie has a love of photography just like I do so it was fun to have someone there who was willing to take our picture! I adore this family of mine so much!

These were the pedal go-carts I was mentioning. Liam and Hadley's little legs were a bit too short to reach the pedals so the dads pushed them around while we took their pictures. haha Liam loved every minute of it, that little bike lover!

Then we went on a ride in these jugs pulled by a tractor. It was verrrry bumpy and our bums were soaked by the end(?) but the kids loved it and were giggling the whole time! Worth it!

After the crazy tractor ride we scoped out the corn maze. After reading it was 3 1/2 miles long (not counting the fact that there is a 99% chance we would get ourselves lost AT LEAST once) with two toddlers in tow we decided to take family pictures in front of the entrance instead and then skip it altogether. 

We let Liam and Hadley do the little corn maze instead. Liam kept cheating and trying to jump the hay bales. haha

When they finally made there way out of the corn maze we hopped on the next hay bale ride out to the pumpkin patch.

Hadley and Liam were adorable together the whole time we were there! Hadley's parents kept telling her to hug Liam or give him a kiss and she went for it every time! haha Liam may needs some time to warm up to that but he has about 20 years or so. ;) Oh young love!

This picture of Hadley might be one of my very favorite photographs I've ever taken ... 

Helping her momma find the perfect pumpkins ...

I was too distracted trying to find our pumpkins that I forgot to take any pictures of Liam in the pumpkin patch and I was bummed I missed out after seeing the adorable ones of Hadley. Maybe this calls for a second trip to the pumpkin patch at Swore Farms before the end of the season, what do say Nic?! ;) (I imagine he is eye rolling as he reads this!) 

Somewhere along the way Liam bonked his head?? Boys will be boys! He never made a peep so I didn't notice until I was taking this picture of him in the wagon right as we were leaving.

After the corn maze & pumpkin patch we went out for pizza together and drove home for the night. It was just what we all needed to get us in the fall spirit and ready for Halloween. Can't wait to carve those pumpkins we found next week and add the baby ones to my kitchen shelves and tablescape for Thanksgiving!

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