February 25, 2016

life lately take 2

A few more every day moments around here ... I pinkie promise there are NO poopy bathtub pictures this time! haha Adorable regular bath time pictures though, there are definitely a few of those and can I get a hallelujah for bath tub crayons! Whoever invented those gems is a genius!! They came straight from Santa's workshop to this little dude at Christmas time and have saved my sanity on more than a few days this winter.

It appears I have a little budding photographer on my hands. A perfect shot he captured of his own foot and there are about 1500 more where that came from!

Still the highlight of our week, visiting daddy for lunch at work!

We got to go to Boise and see Grandma a couple of weeks ago!!! Second best thing to Grandma time, cousin time!

In the morning, I let Liam practice brushing his own teeth and he loves doing it by himself. However, sometimes he carts it off and it becomes bed time when I help him brush his teeth and I can't find where he stashed the darn thing. This happened a few nights ago and after searching all of his usual hiding spots, inside shoes, under the bed, in drawers, I seriously could not find it. We ended up just using a brand new one figuring (like the remote) he probably threw it away and I didn't see it. As we go to let Rue out of her cage after putting him to bed, lo and behold there was the missing toothbrush, dropped on the floor of her cage! hahaha See if you can spot it (I'll give you a hint, it is shaped like a crayon and has a face on the front of it). Sorry Rue girl!

Watching a few minutes of his new favorite show, Daniel Tiger.

I shared a few of these from my DSLR camera the other day but I also took a few on my phone and they are just too good not to share! Bottoms up!

All of these little moments turn an ordinary day into an extraordinary one for me and I'm so thankful we have the technology to document it all! I would be sad to forget even the smallest memory.

February 24, 2016

life lately

I have been woken up the last few mornings at the early hour of 6:00 A.M. after also waking to cries every half an hour through the night to a very sad and sick little boy. So needless to say, I'm finding myself thinking ... is it really only Wednesday?? Both last week and this week have seemed FOREVER long. Last week it was because Nic had classes every day and worked longer hours than usual and this week it has been because of sickness. I feel like this is the first time that Liam has really gotten sick and it has been hard not having the nutritional benefits and soothing comfort for him that comes from nursing. He has had runny noses in the past but had his first 100 degree fever and nasty cough this week and I just feel so helpless, like any parent feels when their child is sick, I wish I could take it away! We finally went to the doctor this morning and my poor little guy has his first ear infection so I hope the antibiotics help! On top of that I woke up in the middle of the night on Monday with that debilitating throbbing pain in my neck that you get when you sleep on it wrong. So moving in general has been a real struggle the last day and a half. haha We're a mess okay! Poor Nic is such a saint. He works these long hours and then comes home to me looking like a train wreck and Liam feeling like one. If I haven't said it already here, we're ready for Spring!!

ANYWAY, it has been a minute since I last shared some pictures from the camera roll on my phone and I have SO many so I thought I would share some today and tomorrow. Since I have SUCH a hard time deleting a single one no matter how grainy and blurry they might be, it makes me happy to have a place to share those memories. Onward ...

If you've ever heard of the reality T.V. show, The Bachelor, I am its biggest fan! Tease me all you want, I'm not ashamed about it. haha At the beginning of January I was invited by a neighbor and friend to attend a viewing party for the first night and it was so much fun! It made watching that crazy drama that much better in a room full of girlfriends who love it just as much as I do! haha

I caught Liam's new signature face that I talked about here. Is it not the best you've ever seen?! It had to be documented because it cracks us up every time! He may not have learned the word "no" yet but this is the face we get when we are not doing what he wants us to do. haha Stubborn I tell you what!

My mom got Liam this radio flyer wagon for his birthday back in October and it has become his favorite most dangerous toy yet! We usually keep his stuffed animals in it and at first he would push them around the house all day long and I loved it! Now is a very different story. First he figured out how to bail over the top of the fence part and sit inside of it. From there, the new game became "push me all over the house mom and dad". Cute the first couple of days ... exhausting the next 30. haha Then he figured out how to take the fence part off, pull out all of the stuffed animals, stand up inside of it, and either use it as a scooter or a diving board. I saw a trip to the ER in my near future and had to put the kabosh on that real quick. At least until he gets a little bit more stability. We've had enough bruises and bumps on the head as it is so far.

Speaking of bumps on the head ... Liam's first goose egg was a real doosy. That darn slippery Costco floor and metal shelves got him good! It was terrifying just watching his forehead swell within seconds. He was recovered emotionally by the time we made it out to the car, I on the other hand took a good week.

Another favorite toy of Liam's are these magnetic Tegu blocks. Who needs to build stuff when you can just throw one block at another on the floor and watch them connect themselves! Genius!

Remember how I said we are ready for Spring?! We were going completely stir crazy the other day so I decided to bundle Liam in his snow suit and walk to our neighborhood park. The fun lasted for about 5 minutes tops before we were both totally frozen. Also, I can not get over how much he looks like my brother as a baby in the picture below!

When it's lunch time and he is already over it before you've even sat down with your meal, give him a measuring cup! Add this to the category of things I do to have 3 minutes to eat around here. Turns out it makes a pretty good drinking glass too, who knew. haha

Liam loves finding the over sized stuffed animal bins whenever we go to a store. This particular evening we happened to be in Fredmeyer and I pulled out this ninja turtle to show him. He grabbed it from me and strapped it over his shoulders like a backpack!

I apologize if the next picture completely grosses you out but it was another right of passage that had to be documented as a parent. Trust me when I say, looking at is much better than actually sitting in it. Yes, you read that right. One second were having fun drawing pictures on the side of the tub and the next everything has gone to crap. Literally! I have never in my life felt more disgusting than sitting in that mess. The worst part about it was, there was literally nothing we could do until it all drained and we could wash and clean it off our bodies. Thank you VERY much Liam.

We went to a different library a couple weeks ago and instead of having iPads they had desktop computers. He was in heaven! He loved them even more than the iPads because he got to use his very own keyboard and mouse! I couldn't get him to leave.

Liam gave himself a new nickname, the remote thief. Another thing he is obsessed with. We now have NO IDEA what happened to that remote. I'm pretty sure its fate was the garbage can.

Just a few of the ups and downs at the Williamson household lately! If you come back tomorrow, I'll be sharing a few more. :) Have a wonderful day!

February 18, 2016

10 things I don't want to forget about 15 months

one :: He points at everything he sees and patiently waits for you to tell him what it is. Hopefully mimicking follows soon! 

two :: His three favorite foods right now ... banana, peanut butter toast, and yogurt! If he refuses to eat anything I have made for him, I always know he will eat those three things.

three :: Twirling, using a spoon, and saying woof woof when he sees a puppy are his newest tricks! And when the spoon thing gets old, dipping the opposite end in or drinking your yogurt works too, in case you were wondering. ;) 

four :: He started showing an interest in trucks and cars and will point to them and gasp whenever we are outside! 

five :: He learned to scrunch up his nose, lips, and eyebrows and make the grumpiest face you've ever seen. haha

six :: Remember how I mentioned I had an emotionally hard time with the end of nursing?? Well ever since then I suddenly have the most snugly baby in the whole world. I think Liam secretly knew I was struggling and this was his way of showing me that he still adores me and I'm so grateful! He just randomly runs up to me throughout the day and climbs in my lap and throws his arms around my neck. My heart breaks every time in the best way!!

seven :: Speaking of another positive thing about not nursing anymore, it has caused a change in the bedtime routine that I love just as much as what he used to do. After giving his dad a hug, I put his blanket on my shoulder and he giggles and jumps into my arms. Then he immediately turns himself around so he can see his dad again and gives him a big cheesy grin followed by a wave. Melt my heart. After Nic closes the door and leaves us in the dark room together, for the briefest of moments, he lays his head on my shoulder and suddenly becomes my baby all over again. I always try to sing to him too but he usually pops his head back up and points to his crib. 

eight :: He is OBSESSED with technology. Obsessed! And is able to point out T.V.'s, phones, etc. no matter where we are but the best part is, the ginormous excited grunt/exhale sound he makes as soon as he spots one! I wish I could describe it better for you. I'm just going to have to make sure I get it on video before he quits doing it because it is seriously THE BEST!

How he talks on the phone ....
Just throw it over your shoulder and talk into your elbow! haha

nine :: Ask him any question in the world right now and his response will be "yeah!" "Liam, am I the best mom in the world? ... YEAH ... Is dad the best dad in the world ... YEAH ... Do you love us both so much ... YEAH" I mean, it's a real self esteem booster!!

ten :: He jabbers ALL day long with every other word being, you guessed it, "YEAH."

Besides the massive molars he is getting right now, I LOVE THIS AGE!!!

February 16, 2016

Valentine's Day weekend 2016

Being the hopeless romantic that I am, Valentine's Day is a day that I really look forward to! Holiday weekends in general are so fun but when the holiday also allows you to spend every moment showing the people in your life how much you love them, it's a special day for sure! 

On Saturday we woke up without any plans for the day but after getting ready, Nic told me he had an idea and off we went. We drove to the mall and on the way there he explained that we were going to start by window shopping for things we liked and would eventually pick out something for one another before leaving. It was so much fun! The most entertaining part of course was watching Liam. I swear that kid is programmed to locate any piece of technology wherever we go. His favorite store in the mall for example is a phone store with a TV in it, go figure. haha 

Anyway, after wandering around for a while and sharing a pretzel, we decided on what we were going to get each other. You will probably think that I am far from the hopeless romantic that I said I was after hearing what I got him versus what he got me but I promise I have a good reason for it. Nic bought me a beautiful pair of earrings and I got him, wait for it ... a TOASTER. haha In my defense, I tried to encourage him to find something for himself but a new toaster was what he wanted so that's what he got! We've had the same little red toaster that I've had since college and the poor thing has been falling apart for a while now and was needing to be replaced and even upgraded to something that fits more than 2 pieces of toast for a growing family. The sentimental people we are, we considered stowing it away and keeping it for Liam to take to college someday but then thought better of it and ended up taking it to the DI. I'm sure Liam would have been so grateful 17 years from now to have an old, beat up toaster handed down to him from his parents. haha NOT! 

Nic and his littler helper opening a couple of surprises from me ...

Before grocery shopping last week I asked Nic what he wanted for breakfast on Valentine's Day morning. I offered the sun and the moon people, heart shaped pancakes, french toast, crepes, the world was his oyster and I kid you not, he turned to me and said, "cereal please." bahaha He had to assure me that he wasn't in fact insulting my cooking in any way and that he really just wanted to have cereal. Well, cereal was what my Valentine wanted and cereal is what he got! (We don't really eat cereal anymore, especially of the sugary variety) so we each chose our favorite to eat for one day. Frosted cheerios for him and Capn' crunch berries for me. It took me straight back to my childhood! Yum!

Liam got to have his favorite breakfast too (he eats it every day) and I got the chance to make something heart shaped! ;) Win win! Heart shaped banana and peanut butter toast for my little Valentine.

I love this picture of him pointing at me when he realized I was taking his picture!

Pretty much like every other morning, Liam was COVERED in peanut butter from head to toe by the end of breakfast so Nic took a bath with him before church. They even wrote a Valentine for me on the side of the tub! I loved it!

The beautiful earrings and gorgeous bouquet of pink roses I got from my Valentine ...

Happy Valentine's Day from my littlest Valentine!

I'm such a lucky girl to be loved by these two boys of mine. Hope your day was filled with love and heart shaped everything! Maybe even with a side of cereal for breakfast! ;) XO

making valentines

One of my favorite things about being a stay-at-home mom besides spending my days with Liam has been having TIME. There were so many things I just didn't have time for when I was working. Like time to make homemade bread every week for my family for instance, or time to try a new dinner recipe even if it takes 2 hours to prepare, time to help my neighbors during the day when they are in need, and time to craft and make special gifts for family, to name a few. Last week I had a little photo shoot with Liam to make Valentine cards for Liam's grandparents. My favorite picture from that day ... 

Oh this little blue-eyes boy you guys, he is such a dream boat! 
And a few outtakes ...

I got the card idea from Pinterest of course. A little red hand print that folds back to show his picture with, "blowing kisses your way"! They turned out adorable and I hope they made them smile as much as they made daddy smile when he opened his on Valentine's morning. He loved it so much that it found a new home in his office. :)

After I posted the picture above to Instagram, a friend of mine commented on it with the sweetest compliment, "you are such a fun mom!" It made my day but also at the same time I had to laugh because I get these crazy ideas thinking they will be totally fun but let me just give you a glimpse into the reality that was doing a craft with a toddler ... I plopped Liam in his high chair so he was contained with the marker I handed him. The FIRST thing he did was TRY TO EAT IT!!! Needless to say, Liam's role in the craft lasted a mere minute. Haha Look how big he looks holding that marker though! Where did my baby go?!

So Grandparents, I'm making a prediction right now about two year old Liam and next year you can expect some Valentine's COVERED in glue. Haha You're welcome in advance! Here's to letting the fun mom activities continue no matter how messy they get because I love every minute of it!!!