February 16, 2016

Valentine's Day weekend 2016

Being the hopeless romantic that I am, Valentine's Day is a day that I really look forward to! Holiday weekends in general are so fun but when the holiday also allows you to spend every moment showing the people in your life how much you love them, it's a special day for sure! 

On Saturday we woke up without any plans for the day but after getting ready, Nic told me he had an idea and off we went. We drove to the mall and on the way there he explained that we were going to start by window shopping for things we liked and would eventually pick out something for one another before leaving. It was so much fun! The most entertaining part of course was watching Liam. I swear that kid is programmed to locate any piece of technology wherever we go. His favorite store in the mall for example is a phone store with a TV in it, go figure. haha 

Anyway, after wandering around for a while and sharing a pretzel, we decided on what we were going to get each other. You will probably think that I am far from the hopeless romantic that I said I was after hearing what I got him versus what he got me but I promise I have a good reason for it. Nic bought me a beautiful pair of earrings and I got him, wait for it ... a TOASTER. haha In my defense, I tried to encourage him to find something for himself but a new toaster was what he wanted so that's what he got! We've had the same little red toaster that I've had since college and the poor thing has been falling apart for a while now and was needing to be replaced and even upgraded to something that fits more than 2 pieces of toast for a growing family. The sentimental people we are, we considered stowing it away and keeping it for Liam to take to college someday but then thought better of it and ended up taking it to the DI. I'm sure Liam would have been so grateful 17 years from now to have an old, beat up toaster handed down to him from his parents. haha NOT! 

Nic and his littler helper opening a couple of surprises from me ...

Before grocery shopping last week I asked Nic what he wanted for breakfast on Valentine's Day morning. I offered the sun and the moon people, heart shaped pancakes, french toast, crepes, the world was his oyster and I kid you not, he turned to me and said, "cereal please." bahaha He had to assure me that he wasn't in fact insulting my cooking in any way and that he really just wanted to have cereal. Well, cereal was what my Valentine wanted and cereal is what he got! (We don't really eat cereal anymore, especially of the sugary variety) so we each chose our favorite to eat for one day. Frosted cheerios for him and Capn' crunch berries for me. It took me straight back to my childhood! Yum!

Liam got to have his favorite breakfast too (he eats it every day) and I got the chance to make something heart shaped! ;) Win win! Heart shaped banana and peanut butter toast for my little Valentine.

I love this picture of him pointing at me when he realized I was taking his picture!

Pretty much like every other morning, Liam was COVERED in peanut butter from head to toe by the end of breakfast so Nic took a bath with him before church. They even wrote a Valentine for me on the side of the tub! I loved it!

The beautiful earrings and gorgeous bouquet of pink roses I got from my Valentine ...

Happy Valentine's Day from my littlest Valentine!

I'm such a lucky girl to be loved by these two boys of mine. Hope your day was filled with love and heart shaped everything! Maybe even with a side of cereal for breakfast! ;) XO

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