June 19, 2014

happy list

I usually stick to sharing 5 things that are making it onto my happy list but I couldn't narrow it to any less than 10 right now. :)

1 :: We have worked on several house projects in the last couple weeks. The biggest one of course is tackling the sprinkler system outside but on the nights we take a break, we have gotten a few things done on the inside too. One of them being this big roman numeral clock. Little miss observant Rue has discovered that there has been something added to the wall above her cage so she spent quite a bit of time the first few days hopping on top of her cage and scaling the wall with her feet figure out what the darn thing is! It is very entertaining to watch!

2 :: Speaking of Rue, I set down a glass of water I had been drinking on the couch for just a minute and she decided to dunk her face in it and have few licks too. See what I mean, always providing entertainment around here!

3 :: My friend Alli took the day away from her boys to drive down from Idaho Falls to have lunch with me. With this crazy busy school year, I hadn't seen her since last summer. It was SO great to catch up and ask her lots of baby advice too since she has had 3 cute ones of her own. Her visit made me think how grateful I am for the beautiful friends I have in my life.

4 :: We also finally got my Ballard Design inspired shelves we built last year hung in our new home. I had some fun this week decorating them for the Fourth of July. I used a lot of the same decor from last year but rearranged a bit.

5 :: I hit the halfway mark in this pregnancy and part of me could hardly believe I am already halfway and the other part of me hopes that the second half goes a little faster because I am pretty anxious to meet this little one. I definitely am not wishing away the time though because I have loved being pregnant so far and I am also not wanting this baby to come any sooner than he/she is supposed. Keep growing!

6 :: My mom is coming to visit me this weekend and I can hardly wait! I am already scrounging around for things to do during the work day while Nic is away aside from my weekly house cleaning and grocery shopping trips so it will be so fun having a visitor on Friday and someone to go shopping with!

7 :: On one of our nights off from the sprinkler system project last week, Nic offered to take my poor neglected and filthy car to get washed. He is SO good to me!

8 :: This is proooobably the 50th time I have mentioned this on here but this wouldn't be my happy list without it considering it has been on my mind 24/7... we are going in for our first ultrasound on Tuesday. What I am most excited for is to see the baby! I still haven't felt any movement so aside from a bump, it still doesn't completely feel like there is a real human life growing inside of me. Also, expect a bucket list type of a gender reveal coming your way next week!

9 :: I am not usually one to wish for rain, especially in June, but I have got to say that I am so grateful it did this week. There is nothing like trying to dig 12" deep trenches into rock hard clay. Here's to hoping that project is finished in the next week or so. Not many women can say, "I put in a sprinkler system over the summer I was pregnant." ha

10 :: I just finished the Divergent series this morning and was totally in tears by the end. That could be part sensitive in nature and a larger part hormones. haha Without giving away any spoilers, I didn't expect a tragic ending but somehow it was beautiful and heartwarming all the same. I struggled with the love story line in the second book and the plot story line in the third, but the bittersweet words that filled the last several chapters of the trilogy made me forget all of those other things and have character withdrawals just like I do with every other book or series when I finish.

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