because a blog post isn't a post without a picture, AND because i love this quote - via
Where did last week even go?! I swear it is an exhausting blur looking back. I got an offer to teach a couple science classes to elementary and middle school aged kids at the local history museum and it started last week. Summer seemed so relaxing until it came to a screeching halt at 6 a.m. on Monday morning. I forgot what it was like to wake up to an alarm over my last two spoiled months. On top of preparing lessons and teaching, I also had my certification exam (the Praxis) on Saturday. Those things are so silly. I memorized hundreds of meaningless facts like the12 main deserts in the world or every president along with their years in office from Washington on down. Well, 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, I went and showed how many of those silly little facts I could put onto paper to prove that I am great teacher. And wait for it... 4 more weeks until I find out if I even passed. Silly I tell you! I just might even forget I took it by then. ha
In other news, you may have noticed the changes around here! When I finally came up for air on Sunday I spent some 'me' time redesigning this little blog and adore how it turned out. I finally added social media icons that I promised AT LEAST two months ago as well as a FAQ page. If there is something you are curious about, ask away :)
Today I started week two of teaching at the museum and it is proving to be very different than my experience last week. I had 1st-3rd graders last week and taught them about oceans and coral reefs. On the first day I had them make submarines out of cardboard boxes that they could sit in while "exploring the ocean" because you can't breathe underwater after all. Well, what I thought would be a short little activity turned into HOURS of fun! They added parascopes, propellers, windows, sea life and waves on the outside. Those little creative geniuses I tell you what :) This week however I have 5th-7th graders and so far they are proving to be little sticks in the mud which makes me sad. They don't quite have the spark of excitement about learning that the littler ones do. I also think the idea of learning about science in the summer isn't quite as fun as riding your bike with your friends at that age. But, it has been a great learning opportunity for me as a teacher and I'm loving every minute of it!