July 11, 2012

this guy

picture from our wedding

excuse me for a minute while I get all mushy about this guy -

Nic is a lot of things - smart, talented, devilishly handsome. But perhaps one of the things I love the most about him is how much he cares... about me, about his job, everything. His dedication is seriously inspiring. I have never seen someone work so hard at improving themselves. He'll come home from work and tell me all of these great ideas he has come up with that he can't wait to get started on and I just feel my heart swelling with pride that he is doing something that makes him happy. Well you can imagine how I felt when he got a random call last week, completely unexpected during his vacation, from his director offering him a promotion. I guess it is proof that I'm definitely not the only one who notices or thinks his dedication is pretty dang inspiring. 

So as of last Thursday, Nic started a new job. One that puts him well on his way to reaching his occupational dreams. One that meshes his love of health care administration and computer technology perfectly. And one that makes me more proud of him than ever. 

Congrats Mr. Operations Coordinator of Medical Practice! You deserve it and I could not be more proud of you.


  1. What a sweet post! Congrats to your hubby!!

  2. Love your blog :) so excited to learn more about you! New follower over here!


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