May 8, 2012

life without a schedule

After a long 9 months of school, I am happy to say, it feels great to be done. I've spent the last few days doing almost nothing but enjoying time to relax, sleep in, and remain completely stress free, three words of which were not in my life about a week ago. Besides relaxing, we also did some "spring cleaning" which I had been meaning to do for months now and ended up taking 8 bags of stuff to the DI. Our motto was, if we haven't worn it in the last year, get rid of it. Needless to say, I parted with half my wardrobe.

I was at the grocery store yesterday picking up a few things and as I was checking out, the man helping me asked, "So, what are you doing with your day?" I'm pretty sure he looked at me like I was completely crazy when I simply grinned and said, "Absolutely nothing." Then he proceeded to ask me if I was taking summer school (to which I replied a big fat NO), and if I was working (no to that too). I think at this point he thought I must be a pretty slothful person. Little did he know, the crazy amounts of credits, work, and sleepless nights I had just endured. Nothing was going to stop me from feeling pretty great that I had nothing to do.

Now that the weekend is behind me, Nic is back to work, and I've had time to relax, I'm realizing that I do not do well without a day jam packed until midnight. What am I going to with myself? So I woke up this morning and made a daily schedule that looks something like this:
7:30 - wake up and have breakfast with Nic before work 
8:00-9:00 - read the scriptures 
9:00-10:00 - work out 
get ready for the day 
11:00-12:00 - practice piano 
12:00-2:00 - study for my Praxis exam 
2:00-3:00 - do some reading, sewing, blogging, etc. 

 ................................ well, at least I made it to 3.

I'm not saying every day will be like this, but we'll just see how it goes for a few days. I just have come to realize that my life has been so structured the last 9 months that I don't know what to do with myself if I don't re-structure it for the summer. I am in no way complaining about the time I have, so grateful actually. I'm just learning I need to use it wisely.

I'm hoping this summer will also involve...
* a happy first anniversary
** our first camping trip together
*** a few trips to Boise and a trip to the cabin
**** more lunch dates with one of my best friends I have made at school
**** and a whole lot of time outside soaking up the summer rays
It is going to be a great one, I can feel it.

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