April 30, 2012

8 things.

I tell ya what, Instagram is truly a beautiful thing. Until the day comes when I get that Nikon beauty of my dreams, it is the next best thing. I am a firm believer of capturing life's moments no matter how big or small, and Instagram has done just that. So here's a few moments from the last few weeks - some pretty, some yummy, and some darn right funny.

one :: yep, he'll probably kill me for posting this on here. We discovered that his skin and Tide don't mix {we are hoping that solves it anyway} but he has had rashes on his legs. So in order to keep himself from scratching while sleeping, he found some random old gloves I had stowed away in a closet and they became his best friends.

two :: still my favorite.

three :: the next picture deserves some serious explaining. A little venture into the pet store the other day while we were buying some time during an oil change led us to discover this. He, or she who knows, was pressed against the glass sleeping while standing up. So strange.

four :: Then we walked past him again on our way out of the store, and this is how we found him. HA, I have no words.

five :: I think I have spent the last two weeks in a hat. It has been the perfect dead week and finals week accessory for my lovely mat of hair.

six :: Speaking of school, by the end of last week I was physically and emotionally exhausted and decided I deserved a night off of no cooking. We went to one of our favorite restaurants where we also had our first date, Wingers. Heaven knows why he is reading that menu because he gets the same thing every time we go haha! But we both had to stop and stare at the menu for a second to figure out this "new best selling item" was. Did you know that apparently waffles topped with fried chicken and a side of syrup is the reason why people go out to dinner anymore?! WHO does that. only in America....

seven :: I did however cook at least ONE decent meal over the last week or so. I got the recipe here. Thank you Martha Stewart! And yes, those are red peppers in that lettuce wrap and Nic LIKED it. I never thought I'd see the day! I must be a good influence after all!

eight :: And that habit that I quit a few months ago, I'm happy to say that I still haven't caved, but sad to report that it still hasn't gotten any easier. They are pretty brittle from being short my whole life so I've kept them filed down. I've only painted them once and I completely regretted it. Seriously, if anyone has any tips, how do you keep your nails from turning yellow? I had a coat of nail hardener and clear polish under the pink coat and they STILL, after only five days, had a yellow tint when I took it off.

I hope you all have a fabulous week! Only three more finals and I will be saying a relieved hello to Summer.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my dear I feel for poor Nick and his rashes from Tide. I have that problem a lot!!! Detergent designed for babies is my best friend. I'm glad you are capturing the moments and sharing them! I love them all! I hope you finals go well and you keep smiling. Cause I don't know if you know but your eyes totally dance when you do. Hugs


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