February 2, 2012

Lets go back about 2 months shall we?

a little irony in my day today :) - via

It was the second week in December,
I got a ride with a friend and was already in Boise with my family.
Meanwhile, Nic is back here slaving away to pay the bills (thanks honey),
and it dawned on me that I hadn't sent in a check for my tuition yet.
So I call Nic, ask him to send one of our checks as I did not have one with me,
and told him the amount I owed.
He proceeded to tell me he was going to send an 'electronic check',
I sort of brushed it off because I haven't been part of the check world prior to last May when we got married.
Off went the check along with the money.
(if you are like me and didn't know this, they automatically take the money out of your account when they are sending it instead of when the recipient deposits it)
I didn't think much of it over the next week or so.
When we got back to Pocatello after Christmas with the fam,
Spring semester fast approaching,
I hopped on the website to find a balance still remaining.


Read what happened next back HERE


Fast forward two months,
here I am a happy little clam that I got this amazing scholarship covering my tuition!
Already a month into the semester all I have on my mind is school, school, school.
I'm at work today and miss a call from a university number.
When I check my voice mail I get this message:

"Hi Meagan, this is so-and-so (okay I didn't memorize her name) from the scholarship office. I'm calling in regards to the scholarship you were given at the beginning of the semester. We tried to deposit the check today and there has been a stop put on the check. Please call me back as soon as possible."

First of all, who waits an entire MONTH to cash a check!?
a school that is loaded apparently 
Second, the nervous panic begins to kick in.

I of course was on my way to a three hour class so I didn't have time to call her back.
You can guess,
3 hours to just mull over what might have went wrong in the process.

Did the company pick the wrong person?
Did I not have a high enough grade point or the right credentials?
blah, blah, blah

I call her the moment I get out of class.
She repeats the story again but this time adds,
"I tried calling the business that sent the check and they said that it never WAS a scholarship in the first place."


And after talking to Nic, it dawned on us.
Remember that electronic check?
The same one I panicked about for several weeks when our money was floating in cyberspace and no one ever got it??
(we bank through a company federal credit union and when the university never got our check we put a stop on it)
APPARENTLY, the university thought MY check (the electronic one), was sent by the company.

ALL ALONG it was my OWN money.
How sweet of me to send myself a scholarship in the EXACT amount that I owed. :)
haha I could have died.

Needless to say, I'm sure glad I didn't encourage Nic to spend the money on that big fancy shmancy TV he has been eyeing.
Looks like I have a new check to write that will be HAND DELIVERED this time! HA

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