July 8, 2021

Jurassic World Tour

 One thing I love about living in a bigger city is the entertainment opportunities we can experience together. Liam has been loving dinosaurs lately and all things Jurassic World so we surprised our kids and took them to see life-size Jurassic dinosaurs in a car tour! They give you a link to an audio recording to listen to as you go from dinosaur to dinosaur that explains each one in great detail, many of which we'd never even seen or heard of before! At the beginning of the tour, this lady was holding a baby t-rex that looked so real ... it was moving, making realistic sounds, and everything! 

Liam was a boy of few words during the whole thing because he was so enraptured! Lyla on the other hand was screaming out the window the whole time, "Look at that little cutie! or Wow, it's so BIG!" haha 

I could not believe the size of some of these dinosaurs! This particular one was from the pterodactyl family and had a wingspan of 32 feet or something crazy like that. Can you imagine that thing flying through the sky?! 

Many of the dinosaurs towered over our car! 

Lyla loved hanging her head out of the sun roof and being able to help drive the car for a few minutes too. ;)

I was so impressed that the whole tour lasted close to two hours. It ended with getting to see two of Liam's favorite dinosaurs ... the megalodon and the t-rex!

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