July 22, 2021

Baby #3 Must Haves

 Now that I'm caught up again on our happenings from the last couple months, I can share some fun pregnancy things. Starting with some baby #3 must haves! Considering we've had two babies now, a boy and a girl, we already have almost everything we need this time around. We bought a car seat from a friend over the weekend and I couldn't believe how tiny the little insert is for a newborn baby! 

4th of July weekend I pulled down all of my baby bins with Lyla and she had a hay day going through all of the tiny things I've saved. After taking inventory, these are just a few things that are on our list before baby comes that I thought I would share for anyone who might be expecting a baby too! We registered at babylist.com and I've loved that you can link items from several different websites all in one place! 

Binkies | Most of the ones I had melted a bit in our storage bins in the garage (oops!) and while we have yet to have a baby that loves them, they are handy soothers during the fussy awake times in the first couple months.

Swaddle Sack | I got the larger sized swaddle sack when Lyla was a baby and used it with her every day. Since we plan to have baby sleep in the crib from day one, we'll need the smaller size in the beginning. 

Crib Sheet | Our crib sheets have been well loved, Lyla's even has holes. This one looks so soft and gender neutral!

Electric Nail Trimmer | This product is new to me but I've heard such great things. There is nothing I cringe at more than the thought of trimming a baby's tiny tiny nails. An electric nail filer seems like no brainer. 

Nose & Ear Cleaner | Also a new product to me but may be a little less weird than the Nosefrida we have where you have to suck the snot out of their nose. haha

Diaper Cream Applicator | I'm loving the thought of cleaning off an applicator instead of my hand post diaper change. haha

Nursing Cover | Similar to our crib sheets, the nursing cover I used for my babies is covered in holes (probably from getting snagged on our carseat because it can be used as a cover for that too). Luckily, our new carseat comes with a built in one so I can use it just as a nursing cover this time. 

Nipple Balm | Because nursing in the beginning takes a toll!!

Boppy Cover | Our boppy pillow is one of my most used baby products with my other two. I love the  color "earth stripe" in this cover!

Hatch Sound Machine | We have one of these in each of our kids' rooms and love them! Baby needs their own too. 

Ergo 360 Baby Carrier | I love using the Solly Baby wrap the first few months after the baby is born but then the Ergo offers so much more back support for a heavier baby. The one we have doesn't allow forward facing like this one does ... it will make for one happy baby when they are old enough to want to look around at everything and not be stuck facing your shirt!

Still can't believe we'll have a baby in our arms using all of these things in just a couple months!

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