May 13, 2021

My Grandpa Dell

 I lost my grandpa back in February. 

It has been hard knowing that this was the first of many emotional moments that have and will follow losing him. My family will be going to Washington in June for a memorial in his honor. After being in a difficult part of my pregnancy and not being able to visit when he passed, I'm ready to give my grandma a big hug! 

I wanted to share something I wrote down about the memories I have and will cherish of him ...

While my grandpa lived in a different state most of my life, it never kept him from frequent road trips with my grandma in their RV, truck, or motorcycle to visit. He was there for all of my big life events ... dance competitions and piano recitals, graduating high school, my wedding day, and meeting both of my children shortly after they were born. Every time he saw me he always had the biggest smile on his face, gave the best hug, and called me "sweetie". In younger years he'd tell me all about his latest trips and adventures or show me his wood shop where he was an incredible craftsman. The last few years have left him pretty hard of hearing and it has been difficult to carry on a long conversation like we used to but I never felt like it mattered because he said everything that needed to be said just by being there. My heart goes out to my grandma who has spent most of her life loving him and now has to part for a time. I love you grandpa! Thank you for making this world a better place. You will be missed so much!! <3

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