May 11, 2021

Baby #3


We couldn't be more excited to be expecting a new baby into our family! Considering I am already halfway through this pregnancy, I thought it was about time to share some updates along with the journey we've been on so far.

If I'm being honest, we didn't come to this decision quickly or lightly. Working through some health trials over the last couple of years, I was always on some form of medication or shot treatment that made it unsafe to get pregnant. We also had our boy and our girl, what more could we ask for?! I just knew in my heart that there was one more baby waiting for us. When the timing finally felt right, we were pregnant a month later! The moment I was able to take a pregnancy test I already knew that sweet baby was joining our family. I think when you put off a decision like that where it was God's will all along, He quickly gave us this baby before we dared change our minds. haha The symptoms came swiftly too ... exhaustion, sore chest, nausea, and acid reflux ... but the comfort they brought along with them knowing that it meant this baby was thriving made me so grateful! 

I remember walking around a Target in early January on a Saturday with my family feeling like absolute death so I grabbed a pregnancy test while we were there. You'd think it was my first time taking one because it took three different grocery store runs to take a test with any kind of result. haha 

I've always taken the tests that have one line for negative or two lines for positive so it was so fun taking one that immediately said "PREGNANT"! That was also the last time these jeans fit ... haha

Telling our kids will go down as one of my all time favorite memories! We wrapped these "big brother" "big sister" books for them to open and had Liam read the cover of both out loud. They still didn't figure it out on their own but they both jumped up and down on the couch with excitement when we said, "Mommy has a baby in her tummy!" They had so much fun telling grandparents, friends, and anyone at the grocery store who would listen, that our family is having another baby! We asked them if they wanted a boy or a girl and Lyla has held to a girl baby while Liam changed from girl to boy now. I think a sister is all he has ever known so the thought of a brother is kind of a crazy concept for him. I know they will be the best big siblings ever and I can't wait for them to feel the baby move. I also get so teary eyed thinking about the moment they'll meet this baby for the first time. Lyla says every day, "I'm having a hard time waiting for my baby." haha <3

It has been hard switching physicians since I delivered my last two babies with one I loved but one of the biggest blessings of being seen in an OB hospital clinic is the many ultrasounds we've had so far! Our first one was only 8 weeks along. Look at this tiny little thing! Hearing that heartbeat for the first time too (155 bpm) made my own heart soar! 

Then again at 9 weeks when we saw the doctor for the first time ... (baby was already doing kicks and squirming around a ton in there!)

And again at 13 weeks ... it was incredible seeing how much the baby grew and changed between doctor visits. 

From week 5 to week 16 I truly felt like I had a terrible case of food poisoning. Everything in the world around me smelled terrible and I ate plain kodiak pancakes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Some days I'd throw up and the rest I'd just live with debilitating nausea. Survival mode describes it best. I was so grateful to have Nic working from home (he was always coming to my rescue and helping in any way he could from cooking to cleaning our house and everything in between), I truly couldn't have done it without him. I was also rescued many times by family and friends who'd come pick up our kids and keep them entertained while I rested. It takes a village and I'm grateful for mine!

Even when the nausea finally faded at that 16 week mark it was traded for some severe acid reflux. I tried a couple different medications before finding one that has its limits but helps more than the rest. I've had off and on tailbone pain already where my legs will suddenly give out? So weird. One of the biggest struggles this time is lack of sleep. I think I might be getting more when we have a newborn in our house than I am right now honestly. ALL OF IT is worth it though and we can't wait to meet this adorable little person in September!

I felt a few little flutters for the first time at 16 weeks but it was very sporadic after that. It was hard not comparing it to Lyla's pregnancy where I felt her kick at 15 weeks and it was very consistent after that. It added to some anxiety I was working through but we had our anatomy ultrasound last week and it was a giant weight off my shoulders when we learned that baby is healthy and doing so well! As I suspected, I have an anterior placenta this time which is why I haven't felt the baby move consistently up until this point.

We had the sweetest and best ultrasound tech who explained every little detail of what she was looking at. Baby was practically bent in half and facing my spine most of the ultrasound (the position looked so uncomfortable!) and she had to keep bouncing the wand up and down on my stomach to see if she could get some movement to get the pictures she needed. We got to bring home so many cute profile pictures of that little tucked chin and tiny nose! Thanks to a moment of crossed legs and eventually the monitor being turned away, we made it out of there without finding out the gender ... a dream I've had with all of our pregnancies and I'm so excited for that surprise on delivery day!!! Nic joked that he was going to ask her to kick the garbage can for a girl or knock on the door for a boy on her way out of the room. haha He really wanted to know but there is just no way he could keep it from me without accidentally slipping up in some way, I just know it. I'm grateful he is on board with it being a surprise this time! 

Baby is due September 19th making us 21 weeks right now! Trying my best to soak up the time while also being grateful that we are over halfway there. It will be one hot summer! ;) 

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