January 3, 2021

First Day of School

There were so many unknowns leading up to the start of this school year ... like how long they would even stay open for example. If there was one thing we knew for sure, it was that our kids would thrive being in school. Like Liam, Lyla's fall birthday made her the youngest one in her class but we signed her up anyway for her first year of preschool. She goes 2 days a week to a little in-home school near where we live. I've never seen someone more excited for their first day of school!! She begged for the last day of summer while hauling around her princess backpack filled with her very own school supplies. That morning, she held my hand and acted shy when we first walked inside but then transferred hands to her teacher's she never looked back. She's such a big girl! She adores her teacher, "Miss Melissa", and all 5 of her new friends in her class. She wishes she could go every day. So far she has learned all of her colors and that "Ya Ya" starts with an "L". haha

I surprisingly enough didn't shed a single tear as I drove away but I did experience a bit of an identity crisis the first couple weeks as I navigated what to do with my time without someone clinging to my feet all day. I'm now so thankful for those few hours a week to myself.  

Liam started a week later (on Lyla's 3rd birthday to be exact). Our first child in public school ... where does the time go?! His first day of Kindergarten looked a lot different than any of us imagined. Instead of pulling away on that beloved school bus he so anxiously waited to ride, he was logged in to his class on an iPad at a desk in our living room. There were SO many technical difficulties that first week, it was overwhelming for everyone. Thankfully we made it through together and the very next week he got to go to school on the bus full time (half days, 5 days a week)

Liam LOVES computer class, library, and recess! He is soaring in reading above grade level and can count to 100! Most of all, he is making new friends and learning life lessons that he'd have a hard time learning anywhere else. I'm proud of him and miss him while he is away. 

The running and jumping into my arms hugs I get when they come home to me are the BEST part about my week!! I'm so grateful our kids love school!

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