January 11, 2021


My mom took a Friday afternoon off work in early October and came with the kids and I to Farmstead! I was so grateful that they were open again this year because we look forward to the corn maze and pumpkin patch every fall. One of the biggest hits of the day was the pony ride ... Lyla's face and Liam ease say it all! They were both so happy and so much fun to watch. 

That wink, cowgirl!!! ;)

She kept yelling, "Yah, horsey!" haha

The corn maze without Nic with us may have not been our best idea. haha We all started off very optimistic but soon got lost in the abyss and took a while to find our way out. Meanwhile, there was a certain little person who's legs got tired and a mom who truly felt like her arms were going to fall off and her back was going to give out by the time we were ready to go home. haha She was worth it though. ;) 

Doesn't surprise me one bit that Liam found a stray stalk of corn on the ground to carry around like a sword the whole time. haha

The cutest tour guide but maybe not the most effective since we got lost for a bit. ;)

You can totally see her getting worn out in this picture. haha I was so proud of her though. Those legs walked a long time that day.

The new thing this year that we'd never tried before was the potato sack slide. My mom and I took turns taking them on it several times. They LOVED it! Eventually a group of teenagers showed up and took it over so we moved on to the next thing. 

These giant trampolines always terrify me but they both managed to leave with all of their bones in tact. 

I went momma bear on some older kid who kept trying to double stomp Lyla and make her fall!! All she wanted to do was prance across the top.

They both got to ride the cow barrel train and had so much fun being towed in a figure eight! Lyla kept yelling and waving from every direction, "HI, MOMMA!" 

Another addition this year was the wild flower field! It was SO beautiful being surrounded by millions of sunflowers and zinnias! 

We saved the pumpkin patch for the very end so we wouldn't have to haul them around. Here was Lyla pretending to juggle two white baby pumpkins at one time. haha

There were even pumpkins bigger than Liam in all shapes and colors! That was the one he wanted of course. ;) I told him he was on his own carrying that sucker if he really wanted it. Imagine how that went ... haha!

We filled up our wagons with a few carving ones, a few baby ones picked by Lyla, and two quirky ones picked by Liam. ;)

We stayed for three hours but even then, there were many tears when we left. It was quite the exit actually. Me carrying crying Lyla in one arm, my bag with my big camera in it slung over my back, dragging along a wheelbarrow full of pumpkins that I had to locate my wallet and pay for while my hands were very full, and Liam mid-tantrum making me feel like the worst mom who broke her promise to do the giant lizard maze one last time. It was unforgettable! So much so that we'll be back next year!! ;) We love you, Farmstead!

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