January 2, 2020

8 Memories from November

1. So much personality in such a tiny little thing! Nic calls her his "honey badger" because she is sweet one second and feisty the next. haha She loves playing in the sink right now but is a walking disaster on that treacherous step stool. Anytime she washes her hands she has to turn on the light and close the door before she'll begin. It's absolutely maddening after the tenth time but I love her. haha How could you not think she is the cutest thing in the world with all of those faces and the way she loos at herself in the mirror! Has us all wrapped around her finger ...

2. They always have such a fun discovery center at Liam's preschool. They rotate it (monthly I believe?) and let them experience new occupations. In November it was an auto body shop and they got to fix a car. So cute! December was a post office and he came home raving about sending mail with a stamp on it. :)

3. Somehow during the Christmas shopping season we got sucker punched into letting them ride on one of these things around the mall. I'd spend $10 for 15 minutes to see those smiles any day so my arm was't really twisted that far if I'm being honest. The driver was a little crazy though and rarely watched out for random objects or people in the center of the aisles but the caboose rider sure didn't care one bit. ;)

4. The face she gets whenever she sees her daddy at his work for lunch ... pinch me because this can't be my real life!!

5. Trying on all of Sita's things as big girls do and Liam getting his 5th catalog of the season to circle potential toys from Santa. Boy did I learn my lesson this year on that one. I remembered it being such a fun thing from my childhood so I totally embraced it this year. I ended up not having a clue what he actually wanted because everything was circled, no matter how many times we told him to narrow it down to 2 or 3 things. 

6. I also learned this year why I don't watch Nic hang the Christmas lights on our house ... because I lose 9 of my 10 lives while doing so. I almost passed out watching him teeter on practically the top wrung to reach that peak and praying he'd still be spending Christmas with us. I'd rather you NOT "spend the holidays dead" Clark! He did a dang good job though!

7. Speaking of the Griwolds, call us crazy but our Christmas tree was up by mid-November! I already miss that beautiful night light so much! 

8. BANANA CAME BACK! He joined us on December 1st this year by hanging from the tree like a bat. He was found in a different spot in our house all 24 days leading up to Christmas and brought a new note with him each day with a different challenge for how to light the world this Christmas season. It reminded us in the midst of the Santa, present giving, Christmas lights, cookies, etc. season to give to others when it mattered most, to help serve those around us family and strangers alike, to be kinder to one another, and to be more like Jesus. 

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