December 29, 2019

Veteran's Day Parade

The first weekend of November my mom invited us to be in the Veteran's Day Parade with her company! We went last year too and Liam loved riding in the bucket truck so I painted stars on Lyla and I's faces and lightning bolts on Liam's (per his request) to dress even more festive this year. It is so fun to see the streets lined with veterans and see flags waving everywhere!

They were thrilled they got to have a donut!

They decided to have the company snowcat in the parade instead of the bucket truck this year and it was already full of little kids so Nic rode in their commuter vehicle behind it with the the kids. We were pretty far back on the starting line this year and they regretfully got in this tiny car too soon that halfway through the parade both kids were OVER IT. As you can see by Lyla chucking her flag out the window. haha Don't worry, I swept it right up! But poor Nic, being stuck in that tiny car with two kids pouting, whaling, and gnashing of teeth on his lap. haha

I got the fun advantage of walking along side the car with my momma and waving at all the people who came to watch and support the parade! My mom had me in tears I was laughing so hard at one point when person after person kept complimenting her American flag pants ... then she notices a news broadcaster camera get pointed right at her and she goes, "Look! I'm going to be on the news! They love my pants!"

My FAVORITE part ... the giant American flag the firetrucks hang out front of the capitol building!!

Here was the snowcat we followed behind and I loved the support our trips with letters from home banner ... 

The kids happily got to take home balloons at the end as they took down the decorations from the parade float ...

So grateful to get to live in this beautiful country and to have loved ones who serve it!

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