October 19, 2019

Boo's & Boom's of September


I currently have 8 drafts of posts I want to share ... so many things and so little time! Lyla naps about 30% of the time now and when I do get down time, I usually spend it with Nic, getting lost on Pinterest with fun house projects swimming in my mind, or in the case of this month, making our Halloween costumes (which I can hardly wait to wear for the first time next weekend! I love a good family theme and I got everyone to agree on one this year!).

October is flying by which makes me so sad because these have been some of the best weeks of the year! I am thankful that our family is healthy and we can enjoy our favorite fall activities because September wasn't always the luckiest month for us this year. Ear infections, the flu for everyone all in one week, colds, etc. We stayed home a lot of the month and I never once pulled out my big camera, just my phone for a few pictures here and there.

One of my favorite bloggers used to do a post on the boo's (bad things that happen) & boom's (things to celebrate) in her family's life and our month of September fit perfectly into this theme so I wanted to give it a try ...

B O O ' S    O F   S E P T E M B E R

I've heard great things about the supplement tumeric and am willing to give anything a try for my headaches at this point but I bought the powder version from Costco because it was cheaper thinking I could just mix it into green smoothies and not only does it have an incredibly strong taste but it dies anything it touches STRAIGHT ORANGE! I was worried about our teeth so I had plans to return it to Costco. The day I attempted the return line was out the door and I absolutely wasn't waiting in it with 2 children so I bought the capsule kind and brought it back home to return another day. As I was carrying in the groceries, Lyla came along and knocked the pile of groceries over and a box of applesauce crushed the container on my kitchen floor. It died my floor, my door, my walls, my baseboards, my hands. There were tears, lots of scrubbing, painting of the wall, door, and trim, and a container that never got returned ...

The sickness I mentioned above combined with no sleep and trips to and from preschool made for ROUGH car rides. I got the genius idea of bringing along her blankie and melted over these sweet and silly faces she gave me ...

But most of the time it was screaming or this (only to get home and have her not transfer well resulting in a 10 minute nap for the day) ...

Then Liam got sick too and fell asleep in the car with her, poor babies. I sat in my parked car in the garage for 30 minutes to give me them some rest after a loooooong day.

One of a couple trips to the doctor for the month ... this one was for her 2 year wellness visit and we were back the next week for her 3rd ear infection this year ...

Man she's cute!!!

Kids are so hard to get to slow down, even when they are sick, but I did soak in extra snuggle time when they would get tired enough and give in ...

Then there was the week of the family flu ... I have no pictures from that week but I'll never forget it and I'm sure it won't be the last time I experience it either. Liam started throwing up Tuesday night at 9 pm and it happened every 10 to 30 minutes all the way until 4:30 am the next morning. I felt so awful for him, it was so sad to see him so sick. Lyla got it the very next morning. I had it by Thursday night and Nic got it Friday. It's so hard to take care of kids while being sick yourself but we survived and am so thankful to be saying goodbye to that part of September and back to school season!

B O O M ' S    O F    S E P T E M B E R

A little girl at church has a birthday the week before Lyla's and had a tragic event happen in her family so they wanted to make it extra special. They filled the nursery with streamers, balloons, and cupcakes, and Lyla came out beaming as if she were the birthday girl!

Seeing her joy as we set up her baby doll party ...

Being silly with my little momma! haha

Giving her one of her favorite things on her birthday ... a ride down the drive way in daddy's "beep beep"!

Feeling well enough to visit the park and enjoy the last little bit of nice weather ...

Taking her baby and puppy for a walk!

Knockin' 'em back!

Decorating for Halloween a little early with the kids ...

Having a piano in my home ...

Hanging family pictures on our walls ...

Lyla's pony tail ... will by my favorite FOREVER!!!

This cutie and his love for his glow-in-the-dark ghost sweatshirt ...

Having 2 toy rooms at home to play in together and to store everything ... HEAVEN!

Giggling at each other with silly Instagram filters on our faces ...

Bath time!

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